Created by Michael B. Roulette Guy Secret is a roulette betting system that allegedly tilts the odds into your favour.
What is the product?
Roulette Guy Secret is a method of betting on roulette that according to Michael B. helps you to beat the casino. Michael. B is very tight lipped about Roulette Guy Secret in the sales material for reasons (that I suspect) that I shall outline below. Roulette Guy Secret comes as an ebook, a package containing the ebook and video training (referred to as being equivalent to the seminar) and the live seminar in Las Vegas on 09/08/2014. In terms of the methodology behind Roulette Guy Secret, Michael B. plays his cards close to his chest. As I mentioned above he doesn’t talk much about the system which I personally find rather concerning. The fact is that given the costs involved in Roulette Guy Secret I think that it is a big ask to place blind trust in a product, especially one that claims to be able to beat proven mathematical odds. Read more