Created by Bill Winters, Facebook Profits Frenzy is a blueprint for successfully making money through Facebook.
What is the product?
Facebook Profits Frenzy is a training course that takes you step by step through making money on Facebook. This appears to involve using Facebook as a marketing platform for either your own products or products you market on an affiliate basis. Either way this is somewhat speculative on my behalf as Bill Winters actually does nothing to say what his product really is or what it does. Instead you are expected to buy into the notion that Facebook Profits Frenzy is the “quickest and easiest system to make money online”. The rest of the promotional material doesn’t fare much better with an emphasis on the “story” behind Facebook Profits Frenzy and how he beat the guru’s and cracked the code. What little information there is suggests that Facebook Profits Frenzy is a step by step training guide that also comes with a cheat sheet and additional secrets to making money on Facebook included as bonuses. Read more