Winning Trades Review

Developed by David Clapp, Winning Trades is a Betfair system for horse racing that has been newly updated for 2014.

What is the product?

Winning Trades is a system for making money through Betfair trading on horse racing. The strategy that is used by Winning Trades is pretty low risk and this is reflected in the yield which whilst not exceptional is consistent which many would argue to be more important. The system that Winning Trades uses is not a complex one which makes it a perfect product for those who wish to get into betting professionally as well as existing bettors. Creator David Clapp provides Winning Trades in a PDF format which lays out what you have to do in a clear and concise fashion.

In terms of the ins and outs of Winning Trades it is hard to say too much without giving away David Clapp’s product. I can tell you that Winning trades uses in play betting which allows users to take control of the situation (something I personally found very reassuring) and to keep things within their personal boundaries. What this does mean though is that in order to use Winning Trades you do have to be at your computer.

There is also an upsell to receive David Clapp’s personal selections which newbies may wish to take on board to ensure that they are following the process correctly and picking the right horses.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

David Clapp has made Winning Trades available for a one off payment of £45 which seems on the expensive side but given the potential of the product I believe to actually be reasonable. Having used the system for a week I am relatively certain you should make this back within the first month as well as additional profit as well. Although there is no money back guarantee in place which some may voice concern about (with valid reason I suppose), David Clapp offers his contact details so should you have any problem with Winning Trades he is in a position to talk you through.

In terms of the rate of return, having used Winning Trades in the same fashion as a casual punter i.e. 5 or so races a day around key times, I have been able to produce a return on investment of 70% which I think is decent enough for a 7 day trial period.

Does the product provide value for money?

I believe that Winning Trades is very fairly priced given the profit potential of the product.


Let’s make sure we are all clear on this, Winning Trades is not a get quick rich product that will see you lining your pocket week in week out with massive profits. What it offers is a chance to make a steady income with a little fun thrown into the bargain. David Clapp has put a lot of effort into refining Winning Trades and the profitable nature of the product is a real reflection of this. You will have to work to get the most out of Winning Trades but you shouldn’t let this put you off a decent little money earner.


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