Kick Arse Tips is a tipping service by the Weekender Bets Service team. Kick Arse Tips is a full service that offers tips every day for a variety of sports.
What is the product?
Kick Arse Tips was created with the intention of applying the success of Weekender Bets Service to a full weekly service. It is the same team and the focus remains on few profitable tips rather than volume. In terms of how selections are made, there is a frustratingly little amount of information available (although this is the same for Weekender Bets Service).
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Kick Arse Tips retails for £50 per month or you can purchase 3 months for the price of 2 meaning an outlay of £100. As with all Betfan products it is worth noting that Kick Arse Tips does not provide a money back guarantee. In terms of winnings, this is where Kick Arse Tips really falls down. At the time of writing there have been two successive months of losses with the profits now standing at a shade over 5 points.
Does the product provide value for money?
Based on the ongoing results I don’t believe that Kick Arse Tips does provide value for money.
Kick Arse Tips looks like it is still in its infancy as the proofing only shows a few months. Unfortunately they have all been losing months. Although Kick Arse Tips could well turn their fortunes around in the here and now it is a very concerning sign of things to come.
It may be worth watching Kick Arse Tips to see if these fortunes are reversed but personally I’m not sure it’s worth the time. I think I’d be inclined to just look elsewhere.
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