Created by Rob Moore and Mark Homer, Progressive Property provides potential investors with property investment advice and how to get joint venture capital.
What is the product?
Progressive Property uses a number of techniques that Rob Moore and Mark Homer employed in creating their own property empire. For this review I will be focusing primarily on their range of CD’s, DVD’s and books as well as briefly looking at their seminars. As you would expect from a product called Progressive Property, property investment is central to what Rob Moore and Mark Homer do with a focus on educating people on the best ways to invest and making profit in this field. As well as covering property investment there are several products dedicated to raising joint venture capital in order to avoid putting yourself in debt.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
The cheapest products that Progressive Property make available are books authored by Rob Moore and Mark Homer which cost around £10 right through to audio and video training (on CD/DVD) which can cost anywhere between £100 and around £500.
Although this seems expensive when compared with many internet marketing products, it is worth keeping in mind that much of what Rob Moore and Mark Homer sell is aimed at people with a property portfolio or are in a position to start building one. In terms of return on investment, all results should be considered qualitative rather than quantitative. That having been said if you successfully build a decent property portfolio then you can reasonably expect to set yourself up for life.
Does the product provide value for money?
I believe that this is very dependent on the product and position of the person purchasing the product. In the main I believe that Progressive Property charge a very reasonable price for their knowledge.
Progressive Property is a massive company and the expertise of Rob Moore and Mark Homer is clearly very expansive. Their business has proved hugely successful and there is no reason that this knowledge cannot be passed on to other users. A quick browse of the site as a whole proves the credentials of Progressive Property beyond reasonable doubt which isn’t something that really happens often.
Ultimately I’d say that Progressive Property will appeal to a small niche but for those people the products available may well prove invaluable.
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