FX Smooth Indicator Review

Created by Terry Brooks, FX Smooth Indicator is a set of indicators that highlight profitable trades on various currency pairs and commodities including gold and oil.

What is the product?

FX Smooth Indicator is a piece of Forex trading software that the creator Terry Brooks claims is able to produce a profit by following trends and providing relevant indicators. A technique that many hedge funds and banks allegedly use. FX Smooth Indicator is designed to have as few restrictions as possible and thus will run on any version of Meta Trader with no broker restrictions either. There are two versions of FX Smooth Indicator, the Basic Package and a Platinum Package. The basic version only allows trading on the major currency pairs whereas the Platinum Package opens up exotic currency pairs as well as the commodities gold, silver, oil and natural gas. All of this is protected by a specialist formula that Terry Brooks calls VAF or Volatility Adaptive Formula. Quite how it works is never explained though, something I find to be rather problematic.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Terry Brooks has made FX Smooth Indicator available for $27 or $47 for the Basic and Platinum packages respectively. Both are claimed to have been discounted by around 50% to this price. It is worth making note of the fact that FX Smooth Indicator is sold through ClickBank which means that the usual 60 day refund policy is in place. In terms of the return on your initial investment the numbers are rather unbelievable. It is claimed in a few different “case studies” that FX Smooth Indicator has made users anywhere between $14,000 and $18,000 in anywhere between 2 weeks and a month. This would work out at around $4,000 per week.

Does the product provide value for money?

Unfortunately I find very little reason to believe that FX Smooth Indicator does provide value for money.


FX Smooth Indicator comes with all the usual sales pitch that I have come to expect from Forex products of this nature, from the almost inevitably inflated profits through to the alleged methods of identifying trades. All of which are miraculous in their claims with very little evidence to support. I am unfortunately unable to conclude that FX Smooth Indicator in any way represents a product that I would be interested in.

For those whose curiosity has been piqued however, the refund policy courtesy of ClickBank means that you should be able to keep losses to a minimum.



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