Authored by John Williams, Screw Work Let’s Play is a self help book of sorts that teaches people ways of engaging their passions as a way of making money.
What is the product?
Screw Work Let’s Play is a series of anecdotes, case studies and general advice composed into a book by author John Williams. The book is all about finding ways of doing what you love for a living and how to implement them. The content itself is pretty well written but the content is where Screw Work Let’s Play looks to fall down a little bit. I should say at this point that I am generally on the cynical side when it comes to self help books and despite approaching Screw Work Let’s Play with an open mind, I didn’t find John Williams did much to sway me. The issue lies in the fact that there is generally a bit of a vague feel to Screw Work Let’s Play with a lack of what I would call concise instructions on how to achieve the ultimate goal.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Screw Work Let’s Play sells for £7.69 on Amazon with a kindle version available for 38p less. Any “money back guarantee” would be in line with Amazon’s policies which I’d check out before purchasing if you feel you have doubts. In terms of the profitability of Screw Work Let’s Play, frankly because of the nature of this product it is very difficult to gauge how much you can make. I would personally expect results to be qualitative rather than quantitative though.
Does the product provide value for money?
Screw Work Let’s Play is fairly priced so if you are interested in this kind of thing then I think it definitely does.
Screw Work Let’s Play is an interesting read. Personally I think that John Williams romanticises his subject and skips over a lot of work that would be involved. This may be down to my scepticism of self help books but I feel that it is reasonably justified here. If you are into this kind of thing then I am sure that Screw Work Let’s Play will provide an entertaining read and you can definitely take something away. Personally though, I am not convinced.
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