Created by Michael B. Roulette Guy Secret is a roulette betting system that allegedly tilts the odds into your favour.
What is the product?
Roulette Guy Secret is a method of betting on roulette that according to Michael B. helps you to beat the casino. Michael. B is very tight lipped about Roulette Guy Secret in the sales material for reasons (that I suspect) that I shall outline below. Roulette Guy Secret comes as an ebook, a package containing the ebook and video training (referred to as being equivalent to the seminar) and the live seminar in Las Vegas on 09/08/2014. In terms of the methodology behind Roulette Guy Secret, Michael B. plays his cards close to his chest. As I mentioned above he doesn’t talk much about the system which I personally find rather concerning. The fact is that given the costs involved in Roulette Guy Secret I think that it is a big ask to place blind trust in a product, especially one that claims to be able to beat proven mathematical odds.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
As mentioned there are three ways of receiving the information in Roulette Guy Secret. These are comprised of an ebook, a 2 hour training video which comes with a copy of the ebook and finally, the live seminar. These sell for $99, $149 and $1,000 respectively. If for any reason you are unhappy with Roulette Guy Secret, Michael B. says that he will provide a full refund. In terms of the amount that you can earn using Roulette Guy Secret, Michael B. says that he earns $7,000 to $10,000 per month although I doubt a new user would attain anywhere near this.
Does the product provide value for money?
Personally I am not convinced for reasons that I shall outline below.
Whilst it is possible to increase your odds of winning on roulette in the short term (for a lazy example covering 1-12 and 13-24 will hypothetically cover almost 66% of the board), the reality is that over a long enough time scale you will lose money. A fact that there is no way of avoiding.
I do suspect that Roulette Guy Secret has some potential to work in the short term but for Michael B. to claim that you are almost guaranteed to win with Roulette Guy Secret seems like a stretch to me.
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