As one of the largest and most recognised multi level marketing companies to become established in recent times, Utility Warehouse represents an opportunity to make an income in the utility sector.
About The Company
Utility Warehouse is actually a trading arm of Telecom Plus, a FTSE 250 company. This means that there is significant clout behind the brand name and the reassurance that this is likely to be a sustainable model. Utility Warehouse provide a host of utility services to their customers (see below) with a specialist focus on fixed rates.
What Product am I Selling?
A Utility Warehouse package can be comprised of a combination of their primary services. These are energy, broadband, mobile phone lines and home phone lines. Obviously these are provided through Telecom Plus. Because of the nature of Utility Warehouse they are often able to offer long term fixed rates (as long as 3 years) although they don’t believe in long term contracts so Utility Warehouse is able to retain a lot of flexibility. On top of this there are a host of additional bonuses such as cashback on purchases through a special Utility Warehouse card.
How to Apply and Training
Application can be handled through your local Utility Warehouse representative for a cost of £100 (this is £25 if you are registering as a charity or £199.75 for a business). If you don’t know any existing Utility Warehouse representatives this can also be carried out on their website. Upon acceptance you will receive full training both in person at one of Utility Warehouse’s training centres as well as online options and support from the network surrounding you.
How Much Can This Earn?
There are two key types of income for Utility Warehouse representatives. The first is one off bonuses which in the first year can amount to as much as £2000. After this it is all about developing a residual income which Utility Warehouse say should average around £5 per month per person you get to sign up. As well as this there is also the chance to make money through your recruits to Utility Warehouse.
Utility Warehouse is a big player in multi level marketing and they continue to grow as a provider of energy. Whilst there isn’t necessarily a fortune to be made through Utility Warehouse it would suit well as a second income although there isn’t any reason why you couldn’t grow this into a full time business with hard work and dedication.
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