Created by Mark Thompson, Optin Architect is a web based application that lets you create your own opt in form for your business’ website.
What is the product?
Optin Architect provides users with a simple way of creating entirely customisable templates for opting in to your mailing list. Optin Architect has been designed to be compatible with as many mailing lists as possible including the main players like Aweber. The opt in forms can be altered in terms of the visuals, content and even how and when your opt in form will appear. For example Optin Architect can have your window pop up after a certain amount of time, at the bottom or side of the screen and even when users go to close the window. Mark Thompson says that this last feature is particularly invaluable and other examples of software that allows this sells for upwards of $7,000. He also claims that Optin Architect will help you to grow your mailing list by having interesting and engaging opt in forms and that this will help you convert visitors to your site into “loyal subscribers”.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Buying Optin Architect gets you a one year license at a cost of $97. For peace of mind, Mark Thompson provides a 30 day money back guarantee during which time he recommends pushing Optin Architect to its limits. When it comes to the rate of return for this, it is not a black and white situation. Whilst Optin Architect does not make you money per se, it has the potential to become a big part of building your mailing list by allowing you to have opt in forms that stand out from the competition..
Does the product provide value for money?
If mailing lists are a big part of your business then I believe that Optin Architect does represent value for money.
If you are getting started out with a mailing list there are almost definitely cheaper and easier options out there than Optin Architect. If you make extensive use of them however, the ability to have customised opt in forms can help to make the whole experience seamless and less jarring for potential customers. At the price, if you even see a small increase of 100 users I feel that it can reasonably be justified.
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