Property Lead Generation Review Billy Farrell

Created by Billy Farrell and Rory O’Mara, Property Lead Generation is a service designed for property investors to find new leads.

What is the product?

Put crudely, Property Lead Generation is an opportunity to have Billy Farrell and Rory O’Mara build a website for your property investment website. The pair claim to have made plenty before (over 500) and cite an example of a first page ranked website for property buyers in Glasgow, a site that now appears to be conspicuously absent unfortunately. Property Lead Generation websites come with graphics, videos and written content all ready to go with Billy Farrell and Rory O’Mara also claiming that they are also optimised to drive traffic. All websites from Property Lead Generation are claimed to be high converting and designed to provide users with a new stream of leads for their target area. The websites themselves seem to be of a relatively decent standard although I am not entirely sold on the claim that they are optimised in any way.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

A website made by Billy Farell and Rory O’Mara will cost you a grand total of £997. This sounds expensive at a glance this is pretty typical price for a private built custom website. It is worth noting that there doesn’t seem to be a money back guarantee in place which is fair enough given what is on offer. It is when it comes to the income side of things that I am less convinced. Whilst I believe that Property Lead Generation will generate leads, I am not certain how this will ultimately become capital.

Does the product provide value for money?

Property Lead Generation operates in a very specific niche that if you are a part of (and have no web presence) you will probably find value in, otherwise absolutely not.


As I have touched on Property Lead Generation will work very well for a very small group of people. If you are one of these then I can only see Property Lead Generation bringing you prosperity (assuming that you don’t have too much in the way of direct, local competition). This is a narrow window though and for most people looking at this there is nothing of value at all.



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