Let’s Have Cash is a product that allows you to make money whilst having your marketing your products. It also offers cloud mining facilities for bitcoin.
What is the product?
There are two key aspects to Let’s Have Cash. The first of these is an advertising feature whereby users can list adverts for their products which are guaranteed to be viewed. As well as this, you also get paid for listing your adverts with Let’s Have Cash. In return for your adverts being viewed through Let’s Have Cash you in turn agree to click on so many ads per day. There are two different packages for the advertising side of Let’s Have Cash with different costs and rates of return. There is also a cloud mining operation for bitcoin whereby you pay to gain use of a cloud mining system. Any coins that you mine through this do not get issued to you with Let’s Have Cash instead paying out at the current market rate. Finally there are options to earn money through referring new users to Let’s Have Cash.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
The costs for Let’s Have Cash are entirely dependent on how much you wish to invest, for example the basic advertising package which will allegedly double your money comes in packages that cost $10 each. The second tier of advertising which will allegedly triple your investment costs $20. For cloud mining bitcoins, costs start at $500 and go all the way up to $3000 with this ultimately offering profit of 2% daily. In terms of how much you can earn through referrals is entirely dependent on what they earn.
Does the product provide value for money?
I don’t believe that Let’s Have Cash does present value for money for reasons I shall outline below.
Let’s Have Cash is a very questionable proposition in my opinion. Despite the claims made of routine interest there is very little to suggest how it makes money. This makes it a very unknown quantity and there is very little to explain how Let’s Have Cash is a sustainable business model. This leads me to believe that Let’s Have Cash may not be the wisest investment.
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