Created by Ken Silver, Silver Lotto System is a system that has been devised to allegedly improve your chances of winning on the lottery.
What is the product?
Silver Lotto System comes as a downloadable guide spread over 52 pages. The actual contents are relatively simple and are mostly built around the idea that certain events and sequences are less likely to happen. This is however false as the odds for a lottery are designed to entirely reset once a ball has been removed. That means that whilst (as Ken Silver points out) 1,2,3,4,5,6 have never been selected as winning numbers, the odds are still the same as 7,13,20,29,34,41 coming in (a little over 1/13,000,000). Essentially Silver Lotto System follows a rather potent example of gambler’s fallacy. Ken Silver says that as numbers are typically spread out, this is a pattern that should be looked for and bet around when in actuality it is all a huge coincidence. For what it is worth, Silver Lotto System provides systems for all lotteries except for two 90 ball examples in Italy and Malta.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Coming in at $39.95, Silver Lotto System is very expensive given what is on offer. Even though it comes with a life time of updates and a 60 day money back guarantee. In terms of income, testimonials show amounts ranging from a few dollars to millions. There are however no advertised winnings for Silver Lotto System which I find questionable.
Does the product provide value for money?
I don’t believe that Silver Lotto System does provide value for money in the slightest.
Silver Lotto System uses a number of false flags and lazy metaphors to sell a system that has no basis in math or science. The fact is that there are a set number of possible outcomes for any given lottery game and as the machines lack a bias, all possibilities have identical odds. Any “pattern” that is seen when analysing lottery wins is unfortunately just somebody looking too hard at nothing. Personally I would avoid Silver Lotto System as there is simply no basis in reality.
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