Social Spy Agent Review Ariaindh Sidhar

Created by Ariaindh Sidhar, Brad Stephens and Sam Bakker, Social Spy Agent is a piece of software that allows you to place re-targeting ads for affiliate links.

What is the product?

Social Spy Agent is according to Ariaindh Sidhar, Brad Stephens and Sam Bakker, one of the first pieces of software on the market that allows you to create retargeting ads for an affiliate link. Allegedly you cannot typically do this as to make retargeting ads you needs access to the back end of the website you are marketing to do. Social Spy Agent seems to circumvent this by using a number of cloaking URLs that they own (all with vague names that could be applicable to almost any product). By sending your affiliate link through an owned URL one assumes that the relevant changes can be made. In terms of Social Spy Agent as a piece of software, it seems to do what Ariaindh Sidhar, Brad Stephens and Sam Bakker say it does. You simply insert all the information needed to create your retargeting ad and then Social Spy Agent will create it for you. It is worth noting that at the time of writing Social Spy Agent is only compatible with Facebook, AdRoll and Perfect Audience. As well as the core software, Social Spy Agent comes with two bonus webinars covering monetising traffic and getting the most out of your software.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Ariaindh Sidhar, Brad Stephens and Sam Bakker sell Social Spy Agent for a one off cost of $197. It is also worth noting that there doesn’t appear to be any money back guarantee in place for this as nothing is mentioned. In terms of income potential, Ariaindh Sidhar, Brad Stephens and Sam Bakker say that they made over $10,000 from launching 8 campaigns in a case study using Social Spy Agent and retargeting ads. This figure seems a little out of reach of most users however there is definitely potential for you to increase your sales, particularly through Facebook.

Does the product provide value for money?

At $197 Social Spy Agent is perhaps a little steep to be considered value for money however it is a solid enough product.


Social Spy Agent is claimed to be something revolutionary and it certainly can make things easier for you as an affiliate marketer. There are a few questions that I would want answering however. Whilst Social Spy Agent currently falls within the terms of service for Facebook, without knowing how it works there is no way of knowing if this will continue to be the case. Really outside of this, Social Spy Agent does what it says and it becomes a question of justifying the cost. Retargeting is a great way of trying to drive traffic to your website however whether the $197 that Social Spy Agent costs could be better invested in terms of building your brand is definitely worth considering. Personally I see Social Spy Agent as something that established marketers may wish to use to boost conversion as it really isn’t something that is a “must have” tool.



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