Dobbing Secrets Review Michael Wilding

Created by Michael Wilding, Dobbing Secrets is a guide to identifying the best horses for dobbing through Betfair’s trading platform.

What is the product?

Dobbing is a type of betting that involves backing a horse to win a race and then whilst said race is ongoing, laying the same horse. In doing so you can minimise any potential losses before the race is even finished. Michael Wilding has used this as the foundation for Dobbing Secrets, an allegedly low risk betting system that draws on a massive database of information made up of 1,143,104 runners and in excess of 112,000 races. By applying certain statistical analysis and ratings to said database, Michael Wilding claims that Dobbing Secrets is able to identify the horses and races that will ultimately profit. Not just is it able to find these bets, but Dobbing Secrets can allegedly do so with a 75% strike rate which would be a lot more impressive with some kind of proofing. What sets Dobbing Secrets apart from most betting systems is, according to Michael Wilding, ease of use with a no substantial knowledge required.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Michael Wilding is selling Dobbing Secrets for a one time cost of £47 (note that if you are in the EU it appears that VAT is required on top of this cost). What is worth keeping in mind tis that there is no mention of any money back guarantee, something that whilst acceptable to a degree with a tipster service, is something that should be in place for a betting system. As with any kind of betting related product you should also factor in the figure that you want to invest as your betting bank. In terms of income, there is not surprisingly any real information made available with no claims made. This is something that always seems like a red flag to me with a betting related product as they exist solely to make money.

Does the product provide value for money?

For reasons that I shall explore below, I don’t believe that Dobbing Secrets does particularly represent value for money.


Dobbing Secrets is comprised of two key elements. The first is about dobbing itself, a betting method that isn’t anything new and is actually incredibly simple and oft used. So much so that there is plenty of free information available online about how to make money with this method of betting. The secret method that Dobbing Secrets uses doesn’t actually appear to be too complex which raises the question of what you are really paying for. Whilst there is some validation to the methods the fact is that you still have to get bets matched and this will naturally limit what you can do and to a lesser degree how much you earn. Compare this to some betting systems out there that can offer evidence of consistent profits for a very similar price and I simply don’t see what the value in Dobbing Secrets is.



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