Offered by an anonymous tipster, The Low Lay is a horse racing tipster service that provides you with a daily lay bet tip.
What is the product?
The Low Lay is a tipster service offering subscribers with a single tip each day. Selections are sent out via email, usually before 11.30 with all bets being lay bets. This does mean that to use The Low Lay subscribers will need an account with a betting exchange with the most well known of these being Betfair. The Low Lay keeps all odds below 3.0 which means the recommended betting bank of 20 points should be ok. This is based off a strike rate that my research showed up at about 70% although due to the length of time that The Low Lay has been operational this is very dependent on when you subscribe. There is unfortunately no information about the selection process which is disappointing. With just one selection per day it could use a number of approaches.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
At £29.99 per month (plus VAT for EU residents) The Low Lay is far from cheap for a single tip per day. There is however a 7 day free trial and a 60 day money back guarantee courtesy of Clickbank. In terms of results, The Low Lay generally doesn’t seem to show much more than 4-5 points a month which simply isn’t good enough in my opinion.
Does the product provide value for money?
I don’t believe that The Low Lay does provide value for money for reasons I shall explain below.
The Low Lay is simply too expensive for what is on offer. If you make 4 points per month at £10 stakes, that means a profit of less than £10 per month after you pay your subscription fees. When you consider that would involve a betting bank of £200 constantly being out of pocket, there simply doesn’t seem to be enough money in The Low Lay for it to be a viable tipster option. Even if you were to increase your stakes, the results simply don’t do enough for me to recommend them.
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