The Fiverr Formula Review Nick James

Created by “Paul H” and marketed by Nick James, The Fiverr Formula is a guide to making a monthly income through Fiverr and other micro job sites.

What is the product?

The Fiverr Formula is painted as a mysterious new product with Nick James doing his best to sell us on the fact that this is a super secret, once in a lifetime opportunity. It comes as an audio file that is sent out on an MP3 player which details the methods that The Fiverr Formula details. Everything is broken down into 10 modules related to micro jobbing from getting started and picking a niche to getting people to choose you over others. There are also additional pieces of content in the form of interviews with other people who have used The Fiverr Formula that are available as part of an upsell package,  as well as a further upsell to get access to a private The Fiverr Formula member’s website.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

As a core product, The Fiverr Formula sells for £29.99 however the upsells that I mentioned earlier can bring the price up to £49.99 if you want the interviews or £50 (note that his is usually £89.99 allegedly) with an additional £27 per month to join the member’s only site. All of these options cost an adiitional £4.95 for postage and packaging. Fortunately there is a money back guarantee in place for 30 days from your day of purchase.

Does the product provide value for money?

Whilst The Fiverr Formula doesn’t look to be a terrible guide, I don’t believe that it really lives up to the hype that Nick James has built up surrounding Fiverr.


Fiverr is already a rather oversaturated market place for micro jobs and whilst Nick James does explore some other options in The Fiverr Formula I don’t really see anything particularly new. Furthermore, one of his claims surrounds the opportunity for people in the UK to get established as Fiverr as the service hasn’t yet flourished when compared with the US market. Whilst this is technically true, it doesn’t alter that the market is already pretty well saturated unless you have something entirely unique. Personally though, I don’t see The Fiverr Formula  bringing anything to the table that hasn’t shown in some form or another  of guide, more specifically one that won’t cost you £35.



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