Created by Howard Davis-Shaw and his brother and offered under the Betfan umbrella, Betting Opportunity is a horse racing tipster service that specialises in managing risk for bettors.
What is the product?
Betting Opportunity is a horse racing tipster service by Howard Davis-Shaw and his unnamed brother, both allegedly experts in betting. The bets for Betting Opportunity are a mixture of odds from the longest (as high as 28/1) to much much closer calls with bets coming in the form of singles, doubles and each way bets. According to Howard Davis-Shaw’s statistics this would place Betting Opportunity at a strike rate of less than 25% for 2014 which based off 2-3 bets per day, means that you will potentially have whole days without a winning bet, something that Howard Davis-Shaw feels that you can overcome overall by following Betting Opportunity selections as a longer term strategy. Further to this, the selections that come in on longer odds for Betting Opportunity subscribers comes from an informant network with informants allegedly producing these selections only occasionally.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Betting Opportunity bucks the trend for tipster services by not offering a monthly subscription option or even a free trial period. Instead Howard Davis-Shaw sells Betting Opportunity for £99 per quarter and £149 for 6 months. As with all Betfan products, there is no money back guarantee for Betting Opportunity however Betfan do say that they will review requests. In terms of profit, Betting Opportunity has made 375.45 points of profit since its inception. This would look a lot better if it were in less of a time scale and also one opted to overlook the not once, but twice dropping of almost 100 points from the betting bank.
Does the product provide value for money?
Personally I don’t believe that Betting Opportunity provides value for money at all for reasons that I shall now look at.
My biggest gripe with Betting Opportunity is definitely the fact that the tea behind the service have managed to have two very big dips in the betting bank. This combined with a lack of a refund or even shorter subscription options is just too much for me. Further to this there here are plenty of horse racing trading products that make money without the need for aggressive staking system that Betting Opportunity follows. With that in mind I don’t see anything on offer that would really make you money.
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