The Delta Phenomenon Review Jim Sloman

Created by Jim Sloman and sold by Welles Wilder, The Delta Phenomenon is a trading strategy that can allegedly predict movements in the market for many years in advance.

What is the product?

The Delta Phenomenon is not anything new and has been sold in the US since the 80’s in a number of different guises. The patterns were allegedly identified by one Jim Sloman who then sold them on to Welles Wilder, a purveyor of trading strategies at the time. Agora Lifestyles are now offering The Delta Phenomenon in the UK (allegedly having “managed” to get hold of 250 copies of the book following a top secret leak). The Delta Phenomenon is based on the idea that all markets follow certain trends that repeat on intermediate and long term forecasts. By identifying these “Delta” patterns you can see when turning points will occur and trade based on this information. Whilst this sounds rational enough, The Delta Phenomenon then goes on to talk about how other factors such as the moon and rotation of the earth on its axis. Welles Wilder claims that the patterns that The Delta Phenomenon  helps you to identify are so predictable you can chart them on a calendar.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

The price that you pay for The Delta Phenomenon really depends on how hard you want to look. This was brought to my attention via Agora Lifestyles who are charging £89.95 for The Delta Phenomenon which also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. There are however copies available from a number of other sources that you can find through some light Googling however there may not be a money back guarantee for them. In terms of income, there are numerous claims online however the letter that I saw for The Delta Phenomenon claims income of 3,400 points looking at a single commodity and an oft cited example when looking at The Delta Phenomenon of a trader who made over $11 million.

Does the product provide value for money?

Personally I don’t believe that The Delta Phenomenon does represent value for money for reasons that I shall look at below.


The Delta Phenomenon has (as I have already said) been around for a fair while and during this rather lengthy shelf life hasn’t really changed. There are plenty of people out there who claim to have made a decent amount of money using The Delta Phenomenon but the most prevalent statement that comes from none-biased sources is that at best, The Delta Phenomenon should be treated as an academic curiosity and I am inclined to agree. There is plenty to digest and it makes for an interesting enough read but I don’t think for one minute that The Delta Phenomenon is something that you can practically implement into your trading. If you look around you can find some digital excerpts and copies that help you to paint a better picture but I find it unlikely that you will walk away from The Delta Phenomenon with a different outlook on trading.



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