Created by James Talbot in conjunction with his betting partner Andy Savage, Stable Kings is a horse racing tipster service that is claimed to be released to just a handful of people.
What is the product?
Stable Kings is a horse racing tipster service that on the surface of things appears to be a fairly typical example. James Talbot claims that selections are a daily affair which are sent directly to users via email. The selection process for Stable Kings has more to do with his business partner, Andy Savage who is allegedly the son of a horse racing trainer who passed on everything that he knew. After James Talbot lost his redundancy pay on horse racing, a chance discussion allegedly brought the two together. Since then they have developed a strategy which is used to identify the selections for Stable Kings. Nowadays, James Talbot is claiming to be a millionaire punter who refers to himself as a Guru in the affiliate marketing emails. In terms of the service itself, you will probably not be surprised to find that Stable Kings offers no proofing and very little information. In fact, the only thing that is said is an unsubstantiated claim about winning a “huge percentage” of bets and that these are win bets to level stakes.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Stable Kings is being sold on a one time purchase offer through Clickbank which is interesting as you pay for 3 months or 6 months of selections. These will cost you £19.99 and £29.99 respectively. As mentioned, Stable Kings is sold through Clickbank which means that there is a 60 day money back guarantee in place should you be unhappy with the product. In terms of the income potential, as mentioned James Talbot says that he has become a millionaire through his betting and even shows a “screenshot” with almost £68,000 in a betting account. There are also claims that most users will make thousands of pounds per month however I don’t believe this for one minute.
Does the product provide value for money?
Despite a low price I don’t believe that Stable Kings does provide value for money at all.
There are a massive number of issues with Stable Kings starting with the lack of proofing. Given how much money James Talbot says that he has made you would expect that the system has been active for some time and that results were kept. Secondly is the fact that the Stable Kings website was registered anonymously around a month ago.
Finally and most damningly, Stable Kings comes from the same Clickbank seller as an increasing number of betting related products, all of which follow the same formula. Nor is there any real evidence that any of the services have ever really made money. With that in mind I would definitely give Stable Kings a miss. Whilst they are perhaps more expensive, there are plenty of reputable tipster services out there that can produce results and more importantly, demonstrate this.
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