Everybody in internet marketing will have heard of the Warrior Forum, right? of course, but we believe that there is more than meets the eye with their forum, and WSO’s, that should put you immediately on your guard.
We all want to get on in business, but you also need to right information, and services to help you succeed. We believe the Warriorforum.com can be a serious can of worms if you are not careful.
If you have ambitions to start a business then read this now..
Ok, so what exactly is the Warrior Forum?
The Warrior Forum is a place where many thousands of internet marketers, and individuals looking to make money online congregate to ‘learn how to make an income online’. I say that loosely, because when you have such an enormous amount of people visiting one singular forum (10,000+ at any one time), they can EASILY be directed, and it can quickly suck you in.
You mentioned scam in the title of the blog thread?
Yes, the reason scam was mentioned is that we believe all is definitely not what it seems. The reason? Simple, on the Warrior Forum there is a section called: Warrior Special Offers Forum, where professional marketers spend most of their days offering what is commonly known as Warrior Forum WSO’s. It is these WSO’s that most definitely abuse the visitors of that forum.
How are Warrior Forum WSO’s abusing people?
It is abuse because if you spend any time on the WSO section, especially after the launch of a new product, then what quickly becomes apparent, is the buddy-buddy- method used by the majority of the marketers. This is denied of course, but when a product is launched, you will find that the first 2 pages of the thread are filled up with comments like “Great product”, “well worth the money”, “wow, what a WSO”, etc. etc. All good you may think, but what IS happening here, is that these comments are coming from other marketers who also provide products to the Warrior Forum, and they all agree to ‘big each other up’ to increase sales.
Why would other marketers big other sellers, and their WSO’s?
Simple, because they all promote each other’s products for an affiliate commission. Therefore, if each marketer is sending a bulk email to their own private list, trying to push a product for an affiliate commission, the last thing they want is for the ‘landing page’ to be filled with negative, and REAL comments; so they fabricate them, which is turn makes the overall sales very attractive for all WSO sellers.
It is not uncommon for a WSO seller to make $20,000 in a single day from the launch of their product on the Warrior Forum, and this alone shows you have ruthless the marketers will be to protect what is a gravy train like no other on the internet.
So are all the WSO’s fake, and not worth buying?
Interesting question, and we ourselves have purchased very many WSO’s over the years, mainly to see what all the fuss was about, and in our opinion 95% of them are pure garbage, quickly written PDF documents that have simply been churned out quickly, with a flashy sales page.
Although, something that is DEFINITELY a scam, is the blatant, and obvious scarcity that is not only being employed, but authorised and allowed by Warrior Forum moderators, in a deliberate attempt to trick buyers into making a purchase. The scarcity I am referring to is on nearly ALL WSO products, that state “Only 3 remaining”, “today only”, etc. etc. This is a falsity, because the sellers will obviously sell as many products as humanly possible, and will not (no matter what is stated on the sales page) restrict sales.
Interesting indeed. Does the Warrior Forum have any value?
It does have value, but if you have spent any amount of time on the forum, you will know that the whole venue is a sales trap, targeting newbies into the market, who fall for the sales pitches time, and time again, and will continue to do so. If the Warrior Forum was a business owned, and operated in the United Kingdom, then the WSO’s, and the marketing would quickly be looked at by the authorities, and this WOULD put a stop to all the false advertising that goes on there.
Be careful folks, and remember that not everything you read is the truth, no matter how hard to may wish it to be so.
Wow, somebody who actually speaks the truth about the Warrior Forum.
I was banned from there a few months ago for saying almost the same thing.
Facts, are facts Jake.
Sorry to hear you were banned from the forum, although you have also probably saved a bunch of money by avoiding the allure of WSO’s.
It’s refreshing to hear of someone else who thinks that the Warrior Forum is just a crock of BS.
I joined the forum a couple of years ago and, at that time, I found it a great source of information and there were, surprisingly, some very helpful people around.
Fast forward to about a month ago, when I posted on a thread about the quality and quantity of emails being sent out through a certain auto responder. I made the comment that I was being spammed by clients of this provider (roughly in the region of about 20/30 per day) and that I was in the process of reporting each and every one of them. The following day, this comment had gone. I can only presume that this was because the proprietor of the auto responder was in cahoots with the owners of the WF.
It really does get my goat that free speech isn’t allowed, or even welcome, at the WF and I think it’s about time that another forum was created to embrace the idea of allowing the truth to be told about IM products.
Hi Sue,
We hear exactly what you are saying, and there are definitely websites out there that can compete in the rankings for products, this one too, and we are more than welcome to become a venue for such, just like we helped out with the latest George Brown Predator situation.
But yes, there are many stories of people being banned for opening up about what really happens with some of the promoters on the Warrior Forum.
You are right, there was some good information on there, but recently, it just seems a free-for-all for promoters to either goad newbies into getting banned, or to scrape them onto an email list, as well as buying all the WSO’s under the sun.
The WF let’s this happen, it seems.
I agree with every word you said about warrior forum. Some good info, just be very wary of the wso’s man. They suck you in.
Hahaha, The truth about the warrior forum has been around for ages. Cautious what you read friends, wasted much money on there.
I was tempted to write a wso product until I thought better of selling it there. I decided to sell on Amazon instead. Mt reputation means more to me than to do that.
Sales are going well on Amazon, so not missed anything really.
I have been a member of warrior for years, and have to agree with the findings above.
It seems the owners turn a blind eye to what is going on with the wso section, because that is where they make their money, the advertising, but always wait until loads of false reviews are given before believing what is real, because most is not real on that forum.
Again well done Admin …We seen the censorship from the WF protecting George Brown …I have been spammed many times and I know
it originates in the WF …As you say the WSO’s are total crap, one or two are just about OK but in general bin the rest …
I have un-subscribed from so many of these guys , but for some reason they seem to be multiplying …
I no longer visit the WF because it’s like entering a lair and we are the next meal or meal ticket to them…Just on a different subject if I may , keep well away from Binary options !!!..
The vast majority of the US goverment licensed brokers are just rip off scammers… Even when you win they make it impossible to draw your own money…Thankfully I am getting more wary every day
, now it needs to be a proven product before I touch it …
Thanks, Dermot.
Appreciate your comments.
I must admit to be one of those *suckers* when I first came onto this internet marketing scene, and the warrior forum seemed like an ideal place to learn. It was actually in the early days, but now, and with so many offers for products that are *going to make you rich in 30 minutes* I rarely even look at the warrior forum anymore.
Been there, done that, and bought all the cruddy wso’s.
I agree wholeheartedly. There are better venues now for getting all the info you need.
I never really knew any of this about the warrior forums, i have never purchased anything, just read stuff, and that.
Good to know.
Ever since the warriorforum protected george brown on his latest offer I have lost full trust in that place.
The warrior helped me in the past on their forum, not anymore though. It is just full of people trying to make a quick $$ now. No value.
The WF has helped me but I can also hear what you are saying regarding the amount of warrior special offers on there, and the spam you get whenever you sign up to any of them. It gets out of hand sometimes, and you really need to know what you are looking for, for sure, or you can quickly get your fingers burned.
I still believe WSO are great, though those are rarer than gold now 🙂 I only follow a handful now. WSO is great at getting cheap services, like Fresh Store Builder, if you go their official page, is $97 for entry price, but at WSO they offer you a single license site for $37, unlimited for $67. Is still cheaper than getting at their official store. I am a happy camper of Fresh Store Builder bought it from WSO.
Just a tip, before buying any WSO, they buy first day launch, unless you bought his other products before, wait a few days, or weeks, come back and go to last page of the thread, by now you will see real reviews by real customers. This will indicate if this a good WSO to purchase or not.
Like i say, it rarer than gold to find a good WSO, but every once in awhile, you get a good deal.
I agree with that, William. Never buy on the first day, and wait until there are a few pages of REAL reviews, not the false ones that always land on the first couple of days.
Some WSO’s ‘can’ be useful, but most really are garbage, but that one nugget can give you a few ideas. Just expect to pay for a fair amount of WSO’s before coming across anything useful, that is our experience, and avoid all the BS, and obvious fake reviews.
typo error 2nd paragraph they buy first day launch = was meant to type out dont buy any first day launch. Makes more sense that way.
Hmmm.. I don’t see any typo 🙂
Hi, I just wanted to add something here again. I recently check out this WSO about a guy who claims he can create a website for you that makes $25 – $150 daily, guaranteed. So i thought to myself interesting, so i check out the reviews, the first few pages was like how awesome the product is right, and of course i thought it was BS!!! : )
So i click last, to read the last few pages, many people bought from this guy, their site either had not been deliver or already deliver but only half done. So i post a question there, anyone making money yet? I got a private message from another member stating to stay away, he is in the process of getting a refund. So i sent out another question with a bit more sarcastic tone anyone here making money yet or is it a dud? And the product owner report to the moderators about me being malicious.
So i went in again to post a sarcastic apology, you can read it here : http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers-forum/615751-newbies-ill-give-you-site-makes-you-25-150-per-day-profit-guarantee-1m-video-proof-13.html#post7414044 my username is ysckyler.
I did not know you can get warning for that, i of course did not read any rules / regulation of what you can do or cannot do in the forum. Basically i just use common sense, i have screen shot of everything but i cant upload it here. If the admin once the screen shot let me know, be gladly giving you.
So warning for people who wants to question a product owner, you either have to ask meekly or just trust your instinct. I believe the system is in place to makes those fat cat wealthier.
Hahhahaha, a little controversy to makes this post looks interesting, dont you think?
Hi William,
That is so very typical of the Warrior Forum. It really is scam city for 99% of what is offered, and the owners of the Warrior forum definitely do protect the sellers, even when what is being offered is blatantly garbage.
It seems that the thread has also been deleted.
Another update LOL!!! After i post my sarcastic apology, this member again reported my apology citing he does not trust me, i am not sure about what rules and regulation i have broken this time, but i am sure they figure something out. I think i will get ban from this forum soon enough lol, ahhh it a bit sad.
Oh well, i think it time to look for another forum hahahaah : )
Yup, the thread has not been deleted. My post does : ) Pretty scary thought, so it would make it seem that the thread is not so bad. I wanted to gives the screenshot to give warriorsucks.com to make the expose, but it seems that site is down. 🙁 So i will scourge the internet for an apporiately place to expose his fraud activity.
So i finally figure how does the Warrior Forum with so much crap out there manage to keep out the real neagative reviews from the forums.
There a rules there that state, if your not a buyer of WSO, you cannot in whatever shape or way to comment on the product. So this protect WSO vendor in every conceivable way, granted this thread i have not purchase the product, i was merely questioning, so the WSO vendor oneplusone his alias in the forum, flag my question as malicious questioning and the mod within 24 hours deleted my post.
Now what if your already purchase, well you can be negative and all that, shout and claim that this products does not work, it is easy to disappear. Why? In no way that as WSO your required to give your personal information or company to be scrutinize. A perfect haven for scammers. Plus no matter how loud you shout, you just might offend some obsure rule again.
But there also another guy MAO FLYNN, he just a launch a new product, some like it, some dont. And he let it all out to see, so it goes to show there are good guys out there in WSO. Not many, but just be careful how you shell out your money over there.
Ha Ha, I got banned from the Warrior Forum for asking for a realistic way to earn £50 a week, i offered £5000,00 if some one could tell me. Post deleted,banned?