Amway are a US based multi level marketing company that now operate in over 100 countries. They specialise in supplying their customers with “lifestyle” products.
About The Company
Amway started in 1959 and since then has gone on to become arguably the largest and most successful multi level marketing company in the world. With annual income in the tens of billions and millions of distributors working across the globe and a huge range of products available, Amway represents an opportunity to become a part of a massive corporation whilst working for yourself.
What Product am I Selling?
There are so many Amway products that it is very difficult to break them down properly. Crudely put though there are three key product lines that Amway sell. The first is nutritional supplements in the form of their Nutrilite brand. Amway also market a number of health and beauty products which are aimed at both men and women. There is also a series of home ware that Amway sell which ranges from knives to cleaning products. There are many other products though and listing them all simply isn’t viable.
How to Apply and Training
Application to become a distributor for Amway is handled via an online application and a follow up with an ABO or Amway Business Owner. There they will discuss with you costs and commission rates (information that is sadly lacking from the main Amway website). There is also training provided on the products by ABO’s and other Amway sellers.
How Much Can This Earn?
This is difficult to gauge as there is a lack of information on the financial side of Amway. Realistically though, like any multi level marketing product, hard work can breed success.
Amway are one of the more varied multi level marketing products I have looked at and honestly, I believe that there is probably more potential for success through Amway than most, if only because of the variety of products. This allows you to market to a much wider market and in turn potentially gain a larger customer base. There has been some controversy surrounding the set up of Amway recently with some people referring to it as a pyramid scheme but this has so far proved unfounded.
This is an accusation leveled at a lot of multi level marketing companies and seems to stem from misunderstanding surrounding the differences between multi level marketing and pyramid schemes.
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