Arbitrage Blackout Review

Created by Ben Shaffer, Arbitrage Blackout is a blueprint to starting to make money online with a starting budge as low as $5.

What is the product?

Arbitrage Blackout is a blueprint that teaches users what Ben Shaffer is the easiest way to make money online that he has discovered. You can apparently start using the methods laid out in Arbitrage Blackout almost immediately and all you really need to start up is a product (either your own or one you are selling through an affiliate scheme) and $5. Arbitrage Blackout seems to use Facebook ads as Ben Shaffer mentions in his refund policy paying you back the $5 you give to Facebook. Fundamentally it looks like you would use Facebook to market a product, generate sales from this and then reinvest in further marketing. As well as this blueprint you receive a few additional bonus products that tie in with what Arbitrage Blackout is about.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Ben Shaffer has set the ticket price for Arbitrage Blackout at $47. There is a 3 day money back guarantee in place for Arbitrage Blackout which refunds the cost of the product as well as the initial $5 you pay to Facebook. The returns aren’t really discussed in any great detail by Ben Shaffer but I would imagine that based off the low investment if you are able to convert your sales it won’t take too many to get into the black.

Does the product provide value for money?

Given the fact that Arbitrage Blackout is about low cost ways of making money I would like to have seen the cost of the product a little lower, but otherwise it seems to be ok.


There is definitely potential in Arbitrage Blackout although as to how much you would actually make using the methods involved remains to be seen. I think that Ben Shaffer paints a very idealistic picture of what you can expect from Arbitrage Blackout and without sales you are ultimately going to be left out of pocket.

That having been said if you are unable to achieve your goals there is always the refund policy in place.



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