Created by John Duncan, Assured Soccer Profits System is an in play trading system for football betting in game.
What is the product?
Assured Soccer Profits System is a combination of a downloadable guide and also online training videos that ultimately show you how to use the betting system. Developed by John Duncan, Assured Soccer Profits System is based around laying specific scenarios for the first half and then cashing out in the second half. The selection process for these bets in turn appears to use the idea that certain outcomes are always likely to happen around the same number of times in a season. This has produced an allegedly win rate of 90%. John Duncan claims that Assured Soccer Profits System can be used any day of the week which suggests that the principals should applicable to any game in the world. As well as the system, Assured Soccer Profits System comes with a number of tools to help you in placing bets etc.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
John Duncan sells Assured Soccer Profits System for a one time fee of £83 which is definitely the top end of pricing for a sports betting system. Because it is sold through Clickbank there is a 60 day money back guarantee in place should you be unhappy with Assured Soccer Profits System. In terms of income, John Duncan claims that you should be aiming for around £20 per day however as with any betting system this is really dependent on how much time you wish to invest.
Does the product provide value for money?
Personally I find Assured Soccer Profits System to be a little expensive to be considered value for money. There are other issues that I shall explore below too.
John Duncan claims to have a strong past in sports betting, specifically in football. He claims to be one of the first people to lay the draw and that he has been trading successfully for a while. In terms of Assured Soccer Profits System, the biggest question for me revolves around exactly how much time you will need to invest. Because this is a trading based system it will mean time spent at the computer and for £20 per day, how much time on top of your job would you really be willing to invest? There is also a distinctive lack of real evidence provided that Assured Soccer Profits System works as advertised and this is also a bit of a red flag. Ultimately, if you are a risk taker or have plenty of time on your hands, Assured Soccer Profits System may work to some degree but it’s not for me.
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