Created by Paul Mulligan, Simple Win System is a new betting system that claims to provide a substantial monthly income through small stakes on horse racing.
What is the product?
Simple Win System is being sold as a new betting system which according to the sales material, has one hell of a return rate (something that I will get to later). Unfortunately, creator Paul Mulligan has very little to say in terms of what you can expect from Simple Win System. There is plenty of sales based spiel (as you would expect) including a 5 minute video in which Paul Mulligan shares his stories of being broke and losing money hand over fist as a result of bad betting choices. As is often the case with this kind of story, he buckled down and after years of analysing statistics and historic racing data from all of the tracks in the UK and even Ireland, he says that he had his system. There is also some pretty impressive sounding commentary about beating the public win percentage. Read more