Created by Charlie Blackman, Bet on the Winner is a horse racing tipster service that makes selections based off horses that he believes have been undervalued by bookies.
What is the product?
Bet on the Winner is a tipster service that specialises in providing win bets for Irish and UK races. The selections come courtesy of creator Charlie Blackman however the selection process is unfortunately never really explored. The closest that we come is a claim by Charlie Blackman that he is an ex equities trader and that he draws on this alleged experience to identify value and timing. In terms of the “facts” of Bet on the Winner, Charlie Blackman says that you can expect between 50 and 60 selections per month although these are not necessarily sent out daily. The average odds for these bets are said to range from 5/1 all the way to 8/1 with a strike rate that is simply advertised as over 25% There isn’t a more precise figure available and a lack of proofing makes this impossible to calculate (whilst also providing an additional worry). One of the things that does work to your advantage with Bet on the Winner however is a level stakes system.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Bet on the Winner is reasonably priced on paper with a one time cost of £24.95 which buys you a lifetime subscription. On top of this, it is sold through Clickbank which allows you a 60 day money back guarantee if you are unhappy with Bet on the Winner. This is something that most tipster services don’t offer and is definitely favourable. In terms of income, the claims are rather frankly rather scattered and unbelievable starting with a claim that you can make £15,000 then a number of screenshots showing thousands in a number of betting accounts. This is all rather in direct contrast to the claimed points profit which between May and December of 2014 was a still respectable 190.44 points however it is not enough to meet the amounts claimed really.
Does the product provide value for money?
Despite a low purchase price and what are on paper, good results, Bet on the Winner raises too many questions for me to consider it value for money.
Bet on the Winner is exactly the kind of product that I like to avoid as it only serves to raise more questions than I feel that it answers. The fact is that most of the marketing is based around how much you can allegedly make by following Charlie Blackman’s advice rather than facts about the advice. When it comes to a tipster service I always consider this a negative and Bet on the Winner is no different. Personally there are certain standards that I expect and one of the most obvious is a record of bets and some tangible evidence however Bet on the Winner does nothing to provide either of these and as a result there is nothing about the service that I would recommend.
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