Created by Owen Hargreaves, Betsoon is a daily tipster service that provides selections for a large variety of sports and horse racing.
What is the product?
Betsoon is an interesting proposition that offers tips for a number of sports that is broken down into packages. These are comprised of horse racing, football and finally US sports and tennis (with these two being lumped together). Selections are daily and can be anywhere between 50 and 200 per month although this is namely down to you the package that you select. Information about how Betsoon’s selections are generated is unfortunately absent but I can tell you that the strike rate stands at 57.55% for the last 12 months according to Owen Hargreaves. Looking at the results however shows that since January the strike rate is actually around 47%.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
There are 3 options available for Betsoon depending on how many packages you sign up for. You can choose to sign up for a stand alone single package, a combination of two packages or all three together. These will set you back €149.99, €199.99 or €249.99 per month respectively. In terms of profit Betsoon has made an average €1,406.50 each month over the last 11 months.
It is worth bearing in mind when considering this figure that there was a month where Betsoon made over €7,600 in a single month which provides a huge boost to this.
Does the product provide value for money?
Given the obscenely high costs involved I don’t believe that Betsoon does provide value for money.
Betsoon doesn’t seem to be a terrible product, it is just the fact that it is so expensive that makes it off putting. This wouldn’t be a problem with better results but when you consider several losing months as well, Betsoon just doesn’t look like an attractive proposition. I am don’t doubt that some people will have success with this but for me, there are much cheaper services which have provided similar, if not better results.
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