Created by Yaro Starak, Blog Traffic for Beginners is a guide aimed at teaching new bloggers how to generate traffic for their site.
What is the product?
Blog Traffic for Beginners is a training course that puts a focus on blogging and how to get people to visit your site. The course by Yaro Starak comes in the guise of a PDF document and like the other products of his I have seen, it is well written. More than this though it is a surprisingly informative combination of autobiographical anecdotes, case studies and advice. Provided with the main course are 3 different bonuses each of which users of Blog Traffic for Beginners will likely find interesting and helpful. The course is of course based on Yaro Starak’s experience of which he alleges to have 9 years of experience in the blogging field.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Yaro Stark charges $49 for access to Blog Traffic for Beginners. On top of this he also provides a 30 day money back guarantee so if Blog Traffic for Beginners doesn’t meet your expectations you won’t be left out of pocket. The profitability of your new blog isn’t something that is discussed in any detail but if you are new to this (the market that Blog Traffic for Beginners targets) then it is unlikely to be more than a few dollars here and there to start out.
Does the product provide value for money?
Whilst the course appears to be of a high standard, I don’t believe there to be $49 worth of content and as a result I can’t call Blog Traffic for Beginners value.
Blog Traffic for Beginners isn’t bad. It is perhaps a little vague in places which is disappointing, but otherwise this is a pretty solid product. The most off putting aspect in my opinion is the price. Blog Traffic for Beginners is a product aimed at beginners and I don’t feel that the price reflects this personally. Personally I’d shop around before choosing Blog Traffic for Beginners as I believe better value can be obtained elsewhere, and I am certain it goes without saying that if you have experience in blogging Blog Traffic for Beginners is unlikely to teach you anything substantial.
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