Created by Craig Stanton, Breaking Betting is a horse racing system that allegedly will help you profit through intelligent betting.
What is the product?
Breaking Betting is a betting system that Craig Stanton says is unlike anything else on the market. This is a bold claim that I would be more inclined to take seriously if he provided something to back this up. The fact is that there are a lot of claims made about what Breaking Betting can do including teaching you techniques, how to time your bets and exploit the best chances, all whilst learning more about how the betting industry works. You don’t need to have any PC skills and “it [Breaking Betting] will bring you sure win”. I would like to reiterate the point that there is absolutely nothing about Breaking Betting with nothing showing you about the system or even any substantial evidence that it works. Instead the focus is on the deposits that Craig Stanton makes from betting companies (although based on everything else I doubt the legitimacy of these too).
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Breaking Betting isn’t overly expensive costing £27.99, but this is only a good thing if you are getting value for money. One of the positives about Breaking Betting is the fact that you get a 60 day money back guarantee as it is sold through ClickBank. In terms of how much you can make, there are no specific claims made although there are numerous of the aforementioned screenshots showing thousands of pounds being withdrawn at a time.
Does the product provide value for money?
I don’t believe that Breaking Betting does provide value for money.
The problem with Breaking Betting is a lack of evidence about anything that it claims. There are no results, no proofing, not even a basic explanation of the system. I simply don’t see anything here worth investing in. Craig Stanton seems to have a very tenuous grasp on English, as does (coincidentally) his one testimonial. None of this sits right with me at all and as a result of his I just can’t see anything about Breaking Betting to recommend. There are plenty of legitimate betting systems out there, some admittedly cost more, but they work. Breaking Betting just feels like a lazy attempt at making money online.
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