Archive for Business Reviews

Odds Monkey Review

Odds Monkey is a website that provides users with information on bets complete with odds for backing and laying to allow you to look for arbitrage opportunities.

What is the product?

Odds Monkey is a massive database of bookmaker websites where it details bets that are available including odds. Next to this it shows odds that are available on various betting exchanges such as Betfair. This is then expressed as a rating percentage for that game. There are two different subscriptions for Odds Monkey with one being free and the other premium. There is very little difference between the two with the exception that the premium version updates whenever information changes compared to every 30 minutes with the free version of Odds Monkey. There is also a list of different offers that various bookies have as well as a forum that premium members can chat in (there is limited access to this for free members too). Read more

Breaking Betting Review

Created by Craig Stanton, Breaking Betting is a horse racing system that allegedly will help you profit through intelligent betting.

What is the product?

Breaking Betting is a betting system that Craig Stanton says is unlike anything else on the market. This is a bold claim that I would be more inclined to take seriously if he provided something to back this up. The fact is that there are a lot of claims made about what Breaking Betting can do including teaching you techniques, how to time your bets and exploit the best chances, all whilst learning more about how the betting industry works. You don’t need to have any PC skills and “it [Breaking Betting] will bring you sure win”. I would like to reiterate the point that there is absolutely nothing about Breaking Betting with nothing showing you about the system or even any substantial evidence that it works. Instead the focus is on the deposits that Craig Stanton makes from betting companies (although based on everything else I doubt the legitimacy of these too). Read more

The Golden Key Review Gary Richardson

Created by Gary Richardson and sold through Streetwise Publications, The Golden Key is a way of making money that can apparently generate huge amounts of money with little effort.

What is the product?

This is a rather difficult question to answer as Gary Richardson is not very forthcoming with information about The Golden Key. What can be ascertained is that The Golden Key is a USB drive that contains the knowledge of a multi millionaire seminar host who has passed on his knowledge and allowed Gary Richardson to sell it. Of course the story is far more elaborate (and frankly sounds like a copywriter has been given free reign) although remains on the unbelievable side. Whether you choose to believe it or not, The Golden Key is allegedly the result of three years of work implementing the methods that were passed on to Gary Richardson. In terms of how The Golden Key actually works there is no information provided which was hardly surprising. As with many products that make unsubstantiated claims, The Golden Key doesn’t give away any of its secrets. Read more

Screw Work Let’s Play Review

Authored by John Williams, Screw Work Let’s Play is a self help book of sorts that teaches people ways of engaging their passions as a way of making money.

What is the product?

Screw Work Let’s Play is a series of anecdotes, case studies and general advice composed into a book by author John Williams. The book is all about finding ways of doing what you love for a living and how to implement them. The content itself is pretty well written but the content is where Screw Work Let’s Play looks to fall down a little bit. I should say at this point that I am generally on the cynical side when it comes to self help books and despite approaching Screw Work Let’s Play with an open mind, I didn’t find John Williams did much to sway me. The issue lies in the fact that there is generally a bit of a vague feel to Screw Work Let’s Play with a lack of what I would call concise instructions on how to achieve the ultimate goal. Read more

The Profit Box Review

Created by Richard Bullivant, The Profit Box is a blueprint for selling niche products and collectibles online.

What is the product?

The Profit Box is a subscription based service provided by Richard Bullivant in which he teaches you how to sell online profitably. The Profit Box is a “blueprint” product which is supported by training videos from the creator. The Profit Box fundamentally follows the oldest of trading philosophies of buy low sell high, in this case targeting less competitive niches. These niches are updated monthly with Richard Bullivant advising The Profit Box subscribers of new opportunities. He claims that The Profit Box is so easy to make money for because of the lack of competition (something that I shall look at later). The items that you are selling are available from a number places and may involve purchases from the high street or even other online retailers. Read more

Grandpa’s £50k Internet Secret The Review

Created by Oliver Goehler, Grandpa’s £50k Internet Secret is a training program on selling certain niche products online.

What is the product?

Oliver Goehler claims that over the course of Grandpa’s £50k Internet Secret, he will teach you about some top secret products that he personally sells online. As well as showing you where to sell your product and what to sell, Grandpa’s £50k Internet Secret also teaches you how to get other people to carry out work for you. This is where the information runs dry as Oliver Goehler is almost comically secretive about Grandpa’s £50k Internet Secret. He reveals next to nothing which is suggestive that this is something that is rather simple and people may already be aware of, especially when you consider that he says that there are already people actively trading these same products in the same way (seemingly through Amazon). Read more

Product Arbs Review

Created by Oliver Goehler, Product Arbs is a website that highlights products that are for sale on Amazon cheaper than they are selling for on eBay.

What is the product?

Product Arbs works by essentially helping users find products with a disparity in price across two websites (in this case it is as mentioned above Amazon and eBay). Users list the product on eBay at an increased price and then when an item is sold, buy that product at the lower price and have it shipped to your eBay customer. This sounds much more complicated than it is and really is a variant of a traditional merchant role. In terms of what Product Arbs does, it is a website in which Oliver Goehler has compiled a series of over 1500 products that currently allow for his users to do this. On top of this the list is claimed to be constantly updated so you are in the best position to profit from this. Read more

Top Notch Tips Review

Top Notch Tips is a tipster service provided under the Betting Gods umbrella. The selections come from an unnamed tipster.

What is the product?

Top Notch Tips is a betting system offered by Betting Gods that claims to take advantage of the unnamed tipsters ability to identify trends and weaknesses in betting markets. There are 2-3 selections sent each day, seven days a week and generally before 10.30am. Top Notch Tips uses a staking system where users are advised to bet 1 or 2 points and to date has achieved a strike rate of 37.4%. Information is pretty scarce on the tipster and his methods but based off the little bits that are mentioned I would hazard a guess that the tipster has a personal rating system, possibly based off form although this is only speculation on my behalf. Personally I would have liked to have seen a little more information about Top Notch Tips, particularly in regards to the selection process. Read more

Extra 1K Income Review

Created by Davis Lex, Extra 1K Income is a training course that teaches you how to profit by acting as a broker between those who want a service and those who can provide it.

What is the product?

Extra 1K Income is an arbitrage based system. What this means is that you identify people who want a service then find somebody who can carry this out for less than the person who wants the service is paying. It is a reasonably well known method of making money and is often utilised through larger companies and realistically isn’t dissimilar to outsourcing. Extra 1K Income seems to make a lot of use of websites like Fiverr and the like as Davis Lex claims that there are large profits to be made. The course itself is spread over three modules in which Davis Lex teaches you about the right mind set, how to successfully carry out arbitrage, identify opportunities etc. and finally a section dedicated to problems that may arise as a result of carrying out business this way. Read more

Ebook Cover Factory Review

Created by Colin Scott, Ebook Cover Factory is a selection of over 200 ebook cover templates, each of which is fully customisable.

What is the product?

Colin Scott claims to be a Kindle author who commissioned a large number of ebook covers for his own work. Ultimately he is now passing on the opportunity to gain access to some of these for yourself in the form of Ebook Cover Factory. There are 200+ covers as well as facilities to make more of your own for free using Gimp (a free editing suite that Colin Scott also provides training for) and a collection of over 400 high quality images that are also provided with Ebook Cover Factory. The covers look to be good quality and is this that Colin Scott says will help you to sell more copies of your own ebooks. There are also a few bonus products that help authors find profitable niches and other related services. Read more

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