Archive for General News

Extra 1K Income Review

Created by Davis Lex, Extra 1K Income is a training course that teaches you how to profit by acting as a broker between those who want a service and those who can provide it.

What is the product?

Extra 1K Income is an arbitrage based system. What this means is that you identify people who want a service then find somebody who can carry this out for less than the person who wants the service is paying. It is a reasonably well known method of making money and is often utilised through larger companies and realistically isn’t dissimilar to outsourcing. Extra 1K Income seems to make a lot of use of websites like Fiverr and the like as Davis Lex claims that there are large profits to be made. The course itself is spread over three modules in which Davis Lex teaches you about the right mind set, how to successfully carry out arbitrage, identify opportunities etc. and finally a section dedicated to problems that may arise as a result of carrying out business this way. Read more

The Forex Guy Review

What is the product about?

Previously operating as DnB Forex Price Action, The Forex Guy is a website created by Graham and his partner Scotch that provides users with tips and news.

What is the product?

The Forex Guy is a website that is dedicated to educating users about Forex trading strategies and general information pertaining to the Forex Markets. Graham and Scotch draw upon their combined knowledge for The Forex Guy. The information is presented in a number of different formats including videos and articles. There is a section dedicated to newbies to Forex trading as well as a paid section, The War Room, for experienced traders. It is this paid section that is the core of The Forex Guy. It is here that Graham and Scotch share their own trading methods in the form of The Price Action Protocol Trading Course. They also provide a large number of special features including a chart of the week which dissects a trading chart over the course of a week pointing out key events and the cause and effect as well as a number of chat rooms with other traders. Read more

Commission Jailbreak Review

Developed by Travis Stephenson, Commission Jailbreak creates websites to earn affiliate marketing and ad revenue income.

At its core Commission Jailbreak claims to be able to create websites that can be used out of the box to start generating income. The websites themselves are designed to use “viral traffic” although there is no real information on how you get this. It looks like the creator has looked at the number of views that viral videos get on YouTube (which he mentions quite frequently) and reached the conclusion that those views can be redirected to another website that shares the content. This could hypothetically generate the traffic that Commission Jailbreak is supposed to attract but the majority of viral videos are spread based on the source rather than other sites. Read more

Profit in 60 Seconds Review

Profit in 60 Seconds say that their software makes binary options trading almost risk free.

The software that Profit in 60 Seconds uses is claimed to provide indicators on binary trades alongside a percentile probability. The system is dependent on you calling or putting (whichever Profit in 60 Seconds tells you to) when the probability is at 90%. Profit in 60 Seconds gives you these indicators on over 20 currency pairs from the Euro and the Pound right through to US Dollars and Japanese Yen. All in all it sounds pretty promising but with no word on where the indicators come from it’s a little bit worrying in my book. Read more Seminar Workshop Review Bob Rothman

Tims Partnership Workshop DealIt is not often that we review something quite unique, but we believe this latest offering from Marketer Tim Lowe is just that, slightly unusual. Tim has partnered up with Well Known tipster, and professional gambler Bob Rothman in what could lead to a very interesting business offering.

This latest business showing is called: Tim’s Partnership Deal, in which students of the workshop will be shown how to operate their own Horse Racing Tipster service to customers. Read more

Why More Employers Are Allowing Working From Home?

Employment From HomeIt is an old fashioned view that working from homes is the reserve of the shirker. But in the digital and online age it is becoming more and more common for people to do just this and with good reason, as it is also becoming apparent that there can only be benefits from this practice.

There are two main sides to the benefits of working from home. There are the personal and the factual which represent the employee and the employer respectively. Read more

Cyprus Taking up to 10% From Savers Accounts, Isn’t This Theft?

Unless you have been on another planet over the last few days, then you will have heard about the government of Cyprus deciding to ‘take’ up to 10% from people who hold bank accounts in their country. Obviously people are up in arms about this, and rightly so, it is blatant theft.

And the reason the UK didn’t go into the Euro is?… This could very definitely be a sign of things to come, because governments all over the world would LOVE to have a cash-less society, and why? Easy, so that their people would have zero control over their own money. Read more

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