Archive for Trading

Binary Pro App Review

Created by Travis Cane, Binary Pro App is a binary options trading robot that can allegedly make guaranteed profit trading binary options.

What is the product?

According to Travis Crane, Binary Pro App is a piece of software that can trade binary options on autopilot for an almost guaranteed profit. Binary Pro App comes with a number of loss prevention with the ability to shut down trading once you have lost a set (by you) amount of money. Binary Pro App allegedly utilises Travis Crane’s claimed 10 years of trading experience and is a combination of lots of different aspects of binary trading systems that he used in this time. Unfortunately in terms of how Binary Pro App actually works, information isn’t really forthcoming. It is worth noting that in order to use Binary Pro App you must sign up to Option Financial Markets, Travis Crane’s chosen binary options broker. Read more

60K in 60 Seconds Review

Created by Phil Harris, 60K in 60 Seconds is a piece of free to access binary options trading software that is alleged to guarantee profit.

What is the product?

60K in 60 Seconds is your typical binary options trading bot set up. Creator Phil Harris claims that 60K in 60 Seconds is fully automated, push button and guaranteed to trade profitably. There is the usual sales pitch full of fast cars and a millionaires lifestyle, all with no real evidence that 60K in 60 Seconds works. Nor is there even an attempt to explain how the software works which is yet another tick in the “questionable product” box. Finally, in order to gain access to your software you must use Phil Harris’ chosen broker RB Options, otherwise you don’t get a copy of 60K in 60 Seconds. Read more

Safe Trader App Review

Created by Aaron Williams and Rick Vicari, Safe Trader App is a Safe Trader App robot. In order to use the software you must use a pre-selected broker.

What is the product?

Safe Trader App is yet another attempt to peddle binary options trading as a miracle, money making revolution. Safe Trader App ticks all the usual boxes with Aaron Williams and Rick Vicari claiming that you can trade almost guaranteed profit on auto pilot etc. There is a rather interesting spin in which Aaron Williams and Rick Vicari say that they are members of the BTA or Binary Traders Association. This sounds rather impressive and based off what they say on their video you would think that this would be a big organisation but I am not sold on this. A search for the organisations name on Google places them 4th, hardly reassuring that this is a legitimate operation. That having been said there is a website. There is nothing about how Safe Trader App actually works which is expected at this point as the current trend is to sell the lifestyle rather than the product. Of course Safe Trader App ties you down to their “trusted” broker, in this case a company called UK Options. Read more

The 1 Percent Club Review

Allegedly developed by “James”, The 1 Percent Club is a piece of binary options trading software that requires you to utilise Options Area as your broker.

What is the product?

The 1 Percent Club is a trading bot that James claims is able to automatically trade binary options for profit. As The 1 Percent Club is a trading bot there is allegedly nothing involved other than setting up the bot and linking it with your Options Area account. Options Area is a binary options broker that you have to utilise in order to obtain your copy of The 1 Percent Club software. In terms of how The 1 Percent Club is able to make trades consistently and profitably, there is unfortunately nothing discussed, nor is there any way to try and discern the methods involved. In fact the majority of the sales material is spent trying to convince you that James is the real deal and that you can make yourself a millionaire in a few months. Read more

The Bookie Assassin Review

Created by James Morris, The Bookie Assassin is a horse racing tipster service that the creator claims is capable of producing consistent results.

What is the product?

The Bookie Assassin is a horse racing tipster service created by James Morris. The service seems to be a pretty basic affair and this is generally reflected in the results. The strike rate for The Bookie Assassin stands at 33.21% based off an average 88 selections per month. Whilst the strike rate isn’t exactly mind blowing the average BSP is 4.31 which means that The Bookie Assassin is still able to generate some profit (something I’ll look at later). The selection process for The Bookie Assassin seems to be rather heavily steeped in form and statistical analysis as well as drawing on the general experience of the creator who claims to have 14 years of successful betting behind him. Read more

Magical Forex Intuition Review

The unnamed creator of Magic Forex Intuition claims that by using his product you can teach yourself to predict market trends relying solely on intuition.

What is the product?

Magic Forex Intuition is a specialist training course that it is claimed will teach you all about making accurate Forex trend predictions simply by relying on your intuition. This is all taught in a Forex simulation that relies on historical data for 27 current pairs. How do you teach yourself to know which direction a trade will go in? Magic Forex Intuition plays a discouraging sound if you get it wrong, something the creator says will subconsciously help you to make the right decisions. This system despite my dubious nature allegedly helps users get a success rate of anywhere between 80% and 90% with a claimed number of users obtaining a 100% successful trading rate. Of course there is no evidence presented to back this claim up. Read more

FX Smooth Indicator Review

Created by Terry Brooks, FX Smooth Indicator is a set of indicators that highlight profitable trades on various currency pairs and commodities including gold and oil.

What is the product?

FX Smooth Indicator is a piece of Forex trading software that the creator Terry Brooks claims is able to produce a profit by following trends and providing relevant indicators. A technique that many hedge funds and banks allegedly use. FX Smooth Indicator is designed to have as few restrictions as possible and thus will run on any version of Meta Trader with no broker restrictions either. There are two versions of FX Smooth Indicator, the Basic Package and a Platinum Package. The basic version only allows trading on the major currency pairs whereas the Platinum Package opens up exotic currency pairs as well as the commodities gold, silver, oil and natural gas. All of this is protected by a specialist formula that Terry Brooks calls VAF or Volatility Adaptive Formula. Quite how it works is never explained though, something I find to be rather problematic. Read more

Forex SmartPips Robot Review

Created by Den Murakami, Forex SmartPips Robot is a trading robot that is designed to trade following very strict instructions to generate profit.

What is the product?

Forex SmartPips Robot is a Forex trading bot by Den Murakami that trades following a very strict set of parameters. The creator says that this allows Forex SmartPips Robot to consistently produce a profit. As well as only being Meta Trader 4 compatible, Forex SmartPips Robot only trades on a timeframe of M30 using the currency pairs of EUR/USD and GBP/USD. If however you find the set up for Forex SmartPips Robot too restrictive Den Murakami offers a number of customisable options so you can set this up for your needs. To increase the likelihood of Forex SmartPips Robot trading profitably it also comes with a number of stop loss measures according to Den Murakami. Read more

Profit Sensation Review

Created by Bill Driesdale, Profit Sensation is a binary options trading bot. To get a copy of the product you have to open a new account with Amber Options.

What is the product?

Profit Sensations is a trading bot that deals with binary options. Creator Bill Driesdale claims that Profit Sensation is guaranteed to trade profitably although frankly the evidence of this is not exactly concrete. According to Bill Driesdale Profit Sensation is built on the back of some software he received from his brother who was trading full time from home. After an encounter with a programmer friend of his sons, Profit Sensation was born. Outside of this information is scarce other than the fact that to get a copy of Profit Sensation you have to make a deposit with binary options broker Amber Options. Read more

Survive and Prosper Review

Operated by Rodney Johnson, Adam O’Dell and Harry S. Dent, Survive and Prosper is a website that provides insight into financial markets based on their research.

What is the product?

Survive and Prosper is a blog/newsletter created by known personality Harry S. Dent with Rodney Johnson and Adam O’Dell. The website itself contains 2 main aspects, the first of which is the blog which is free. This contains the musings of Harry S. Dent and his team on various aspects of the financial and global markets. It is also essentially acts as a sales funnel for Survive and Prosper’s paid services. These are much more in depth than the blogs and are based on persona research carried out by Rodney Johnson, Adam O’Dell and Harry S. Dent. As a user you can utilise this insight as a method of guiding your investments if you so choose, hopefully with a profitable outcome. Read more

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