Created by Robbie Jennings, Daily Winning Club is an independent horse racing tipster that is a relatively new service having been operational since 2013.
What is the product?
Daily Winning Club is a horse racing tipster service that typically sends out selections to subscribers most days. On the occasions where Daily Winning Club doesn’t have a bet, Robbie Jennings will notify users via email. Selections are rather varied in quantity and quality with anywhere from 18 bets a month to 74 and strike rates that are as low as 20.7% and go all the way up to 45.7%. Bets for Daily Winning Club are win bets and are advised to BSP with recorded results going back to January of this year (although Robbie Jennings says he has been using the system successfully for longer than this). Interestingly, the system behind selections for Daily Winning Club is rather frustratingly never explored. Whilst this isn’t typically a must have, you are at least dealing with something rather than the nothing that Daily Winning Club offers.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
The cost of Daily Winning Club is extremely affordable and that is one of the biggest appeals of the product. Robbie Jennings charges just £10 for 100 days of access to Daily Winning Club with the only stipulation being that you offer a testimonial when this has elapsed. It should be pointed out that there is no money back guarantee for Daily Winning Club. In terms of how much Daily Winning Club can make, for 2014 up until November the figure is claimed to stand at £4,127.48 to £20 stakes. This works out at 206.4 points for the year up to that points.
Does the product provide value for money?
Whilst the results for Daily Winning Club aren’t incredible, it is definitely cheap enough to be considered value for money in my opinion.
Daily Winning Club is far from perfect and I have a number of concerns regarding the service. These are namely surrounding the lack of information on the selection process and a proofing that comes only from the creator. There are rather significant losing streaks and that is worth keeping in mind when considering Daily Winning Club. Otherwise, Daily Winning Club is a pretty decent looking budget tipster service.
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