Developed by Ryan Sunderland, Easy AW Profits is a betting system for all-weather horse racing.
What is the product?
Easy AW Profits comes in the form of a 4 page PDF manual that Ryan Sunderland says will provide users with everything they need to start profitable betting. He says that Easy AW Profits is as simple as following a few rules and steps in order to give you selections. Easy AW Profits covers all four of the all-weather tracks in the UK. Ryan Sunderland’s proofing results show a strike rate of 27.4% for wins and 60.7% for placement. Easy AW Profits takes advantage of both these types of bets with a combination of backing horses that have decent odds with the occasional outsider to boost the profit when they come in. The system appears reliant on placed bets coming in to keep it in the black and the huge profits that come from outsider wins pushing up the overall profitability.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Easy AW Profits is available for just £10 with VAT charged on top of that. Ryan Sunderland also offers users the choice to subscribe to his tipping service which provides users with the selections for a £30 per month fee. There is a full money back guarantee available for 60 days with Easy AW Profits. In terms of your rate of return, between January and early December Easy AW Profits produced profits of 135 points. Ryan Sunderland has calculated this at an average £112 profit each month (covering January to November).
Does the product provide value for money?
I believe that the betting system provides reasonable value based off of Easy AW Profits previous results. I think that the tipping service is quite expensive given the small niche it covers.
Looking at the proofing results for Easy AW Profits reveals possibly the biggest flaw in the system. There are frequent losing streaks and because of the betting system that Ryan Sunderland uses this can mean losses of £20 per race. Because of how the system seems to generate its significant profits (backing outsiders) this means tat you could be looking at the business end of massive losses which if you are starting out can quickly eat up your betting bank. That isn’t to say its all bad, as an academic exercise some users may find something to take away to improve their own betting systems which given the low price seems like a viable option to explore.
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