Created by James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner, Elite Racing Network is a soon to be launched horse racing betting system that will allegedly “change everything”.
What is the product?
There is plenty of hype about Elite Racing Network and what it is and it is worth repeating that this is still in prelaunch so not all the information is out there. That having been said, James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner have given away enough information to build a pretty good idea of what Elite Racing Network entails (something that some fully launched products fail with). At the core of Elite Racing Network is “The Edge” which is described as the foundation of the methodology and the reason that you can’t fail to make money. I will explore what this does however I have to look more at Elite Racing Network as a product first.
James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner have brought together 20 different betting systems that they say work well. In Elite Racing Network they have brought them together in a league based format that shows how each system is currently performing. This ranking is where The Edge comes in as it will ensure that you are only trading on profitable platforms. The systems that make up Elite Racing Network are based on plenty of historical data although James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner do say that the system hasn’t just been backdated. As well as the 20 systems that Elite Racing Network ships with, James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner also say that they will be constantly looking for new systems as well as tweaking existing ones to ensure that the pool is as profitable as possible.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Due to the fact that Elite Racing Network is still in prelaunch, James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner have not yet released any prices however these should be made available soon. Given what they have said about the various unique properties that Elite Racing Network allegedly has and the cost that has clearly gone into the launch it is unlikely to be cheap. In terms of income potential, at the time of writing there are no details on winnings or results however there is a video due to be launched looking at this shortly.
Does the product provide value for money?
At this point it is difficult to say whether or not Elite Racing Network qualifies as value for money. I do however believe that it is worth keeping your eye on.
It is not often that a betting product of all things gets the kind of launch that James Fitzmaurice, Malcolm Pett and Ross Turner have put together for Elite Racing Network. The fact is that this has been a slick marketing extravaganza and the only purpose of this is to draw in the same punters that the team talk about giving power to. There are some pretty bold claims made about Elite Racing Network and I for one look forward to seeing how things play out, however I would be inclined to allow Elite Racing Network to “bed in” once its launched to see how it is really doing.
Complete waist of money for £400 you may as well put it into binary trading. Because that’s what all this system is based on! Don’t waste your money!!!