Elite Racing System Review

Created by Stuart Oakley, Elite Rating System is a horse racing tipster service that makes selections based off his proprietary software.

What is the product?

Elite Rating System uses a piece of proprietary software that creator Stuart Oakley claims is built on his own research (over the course of 4 months) into establishing a formula for selecting winning horses. He refers to this as being almost scientific. What he does say that is a little more grounded is that Elite Rating System makes use of an allegedly unique ratings system to generate selections. In fact Elite Rating System generates around 5-8 selections each day which Stuart Oakley says should give a strike rate of 42%. Bets are each way with the selections having a mixed bag of odds from favourites with the occasional rank outsider thrown into the mix.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Elite Rating System is available on a weekly or monthly subscription. Stuart Oakley charges £9.95 and £29.95 respectively. It is also worth noting that Elite Rating System is sold through ClickBank which means that there is a 60 day money back guarantee in place. In terms of the return, this isn’t discussed in any great detail but Stuart Oakley does claim that Elite Rating System is able to generate more than 50 points per month based off his results.

Does the product provide value for money?

I think that Elite Rating System is reasonably priced all things considered and the money back guarantee is reassuring.


Although Elite Rating System doesn’t seem to set the world alight there is one major thing that it has going for it and that is ClickBank’s money back guarantee. Although I am somewhat sceptical of this personally, this allows readers to try it out and see how they do with paper trading. Arguably my biggest issue lies in the marketing in which Stuart Oakley essentially says that using Elite Rating System is like having a crystal ball.

A crystal ball that has a strike rate of just 42%. This irks me as there is no need for the outrageous claims and hyperbole in this kind of product without results to back it up.



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