Emobile Code Review Bill McKnight

Created by Bill McKnight, Emobile Code provides users with clones of the same mobile phone websites he uses to generate money.

What is the product?

Bill McKnight claims that by signing up for Emobile Code users can buy access to the same methods that he used to become a multi-millionaire. What method is this? It would appear to be an affiliate marketing scheme with the focus being on mobile phone websites rather than traditional ones. This is claimed to be down to an increased number of users (5 billion mobile phone users compared to 1 billion PC users). When you sign up for Emobile Code Bill McKnight says that he will clone the sites for you and give you access to them s you can profit to. These are the same mobile sites hosted on “Military Grade” cell phone servers that were installed by “Top Military programmers”. Naturally there is no proof of any of this so I am forced to dismiss it as nothing more than a copywriters fantasy.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Access to Emobile Code costs $49 and for this you get the above. There is also a 60 day money back guarantee courtesy of ClickSure if you are unhappy with the service. In terms of the amount of money that you can make this is claimed to be anywhere between $500 and $1000 per day, right up to Bill McKnight’s claims that by using the same methods he gives access too with Emobile code, he was able to make over $10,000,000 in 9 months. Of course the only evidence of any of this is questionable screenshots of ClickBank accounts and the ever popular “bank statement”.

Does the product provide value for money?

As I see no real proof that Emobile Code actually works I can only conclude that this doesn’t represent value for money.


Emobile Code seems to exist mainly as a marketers dream scenario. The fact is that very little evidence is presented that this works as it is supposed to outside of Bill McKnight and his “family” saying that it does. Personally I would avoid this as there doesn’t seem to be any substance but for those of you who don’t mind a riskier investment this may be worth looking at.



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