Extra 1K Income Review

Created by Davis Lex, Extra 1K Income is a training course that teaches you how to profit by acting as a broker between those who want a service and those who can provide it.

What is the product?

Extra 1K Income is an arbitrage based system. What this means is that you identify people who want a service then find somebody who can carry this out for less than the person who wants the service is paying. It is a reasonably well known method of making money and is often utilised through larger companies and realistically isn’t dissimilar to outsourcing. Extra 1K Income seems to make a lot of use of websites like Fiverr and the like as Davis Lex claims that there are large profits to be made. The course itself is spread over three modules in which Davis Lex teaches you about the right mind set, how to successfully carry out arbitrage, identify opportunities etc. and finally a section dedicated to problems that may arise as a result of carrying out business this way.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

At the time of writing this Extra 1K Income is available for $10.57 but as this is on a dime sale the price will go up with each sale. As Extra 1K Income is sold through JVZoo there is a 30 day money back guarantee but this is supplied by the vendor. In terms of potential profit Davis Lex claims that he has made $1200 in a week. There are also examples of his “students” making as much as $1500 with a single sale and hundreds of dollars weekly.

Does the product provide value for money?

I don’t believe that Extra 1K Income does provide value for money. The system is simple to execute and I don’t believe that the content warrants the cost.


My biggest concern surrounding Extra 1K Income lies in the fact that there has to be a whole training module dedicated to the fact that things might go wrong and how to deal with them. This suggests to me that Davis Lex has encountered these problems before and it certainly doesn’t instill any confidence.

I would avoid this to pursue what I would consider to be more legitimate money making opportunities.



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