Extreme Income Game Plan Review Finn Nelson

Created by Finn Nelson, Extreme Income Game Plan is a guide to building your online business by taking advantage of email lists.

What is the product?

Extreme Income Game Plan is split between a PDF guide and a series of videos that ultimately make up the core of the product. As well as this training you will receive an action plan which will help you to implement what Finn Nelson teaches successfully. Most of Extreme Income Game Plan is built on list building and email marketing which some people may find restricting. This is worth keeping in mind as most marketers make this one of their first steps. This restricts Extreme Income Game Plan somewhat making it best suited to people with no real experience. That having been said Finn Nelson’s guide is approachable and offers a step by step procedure so there is little to confuse newbies. As well as the core training Extreme Income Game Plan also gives you access to bi-weekly products which you get the resale rights for however this feels rather tacked on.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Extreme Income Game Plan is exceptionally cheap with the training being made available for download for just $1. After this there is a $7 per month subscription which pays for the products. There is also a 365 day money back guarantee in place with Finn Nelson saying if your financial position doesn’t improve through Extreme Income Game Plan you can claim a refund. In terms of income Finn Nelson says that he would expect somebody with a 1500 person list to make about $500 per month. The 1500 person list can allegedly be in place within 30 days by following what Extreme Income Game Plan teaches.

Does the product provide value for money?

Factoring in the initial price it is rather difficult to not see Extreme Income Game Plan as value for money.


Extreme Income Game Plan is definitely one for newbies with the truth being that if you have had any previous success with internet marketing there is unlikely to be anything here for you. That having been said the price of Extreme Income Game Plan is far from prohibitive and even a snippet of information is worth the initial signup fee.



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