Created by Chris Williams, Football Cash Machine System is a betting system for football that takes advantage of an oft overlooked market.
What is the product?
Football Cash Machine System is a betting system that helps you to identify your own football bets. The system is based around a high strike rate with Chris Williams claiming that Football Cash Machine System has won a very impressive 96% of bets. Whilst this isn’t proofed in full (he says that showing the results would give away the method behind Football Cash Machine System) there is evidence of this showing whether bets won or lost on Betfair. The system itself is spread over more than 100 minutes of videos (broken down into 3 different subjects) as well as coming with a PDF that also outlines the methods. Whilst I cannot go into the methods as it would pretty much give away Chris Williams’ system, Football Cash Machine System is very easy to use and not overly time consuming. All that you have to do is check a certain website before a game and compare some basic information and if the odds are right on Betfair simply place your bet.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
At the time of writing Football Cash Machine System is being sold for £37 however it is on a dime sale through JVZoo. For context, the price started at £27 and is capped at £47. Unfortunately Chris Williams doesn’t provide any money back guarantee for Football Cash Machine System. In terms of the income potential from Football Cash Machine System, this isn’t something that will make big money in the short term with Chris Williams making no effort to hide that the expected ROI is between 5% or 25%.
Does the product provide value for money?
There is definitely something to Football Cash Machine System and if you can get it at a reasonable price then it is definitely worth looking at.
If you are looking for something to immediately start making you money then Football Cash Machine System is definitely not for you. Whilst you will win much more often than not, you are looking at small amounts. This is really the whole point of Football Cash Machine System. It is a system designed to build a sustainable and long term income as opposed to high risk stakes on long shots. In this regard I feel that Chris Williams really delivers. There are some downsides to the system though, with the most obvious being that because of the small amounts that you earn, a loss can massively impact your profits. Another potential sticking point for some people is that Chris Williams recommends staking 20% of your betting bank although there is no obligation to do so. When it comes to systems like Football Cash Machine System it’s a difficult thing to make a call on. There are some people who will be happy with what is a reasonably safe investment however it is also difficult to ignore the fact that there are higher yielding systems out there for only slightly more.
After 6 months this over 0.5 goals betting selection technique has made a loss of -£4.76 using a bank of over £500. After paying £47 for the ‘technique’ and £15 a month for the selections the return is somewhat disappointing. June and July have wiped out all the earlier profits so anyone starting to follow this after May will have some catching up to do!
The summary assessment of this review is very apt; 2… it is also difficult to ignore the fact that there are higher yielding systems out there for only slightly more”…or indeed much less!