Goal Power Review

Created by Svend Johannson, Goal Power is an investment betting system for football that covers on over/under goal bets for a number of leagues across the world.

What is the product?

Goal Power is a system that provides users with selections based on a very strict criteria developed by Svend Johannson. Selections cover all kinds of different leagues and cups from well-known examples like La Liga or Premier League to Singapore and Columbia. The strike rate is claimed to be a respectable enough 58% which using the staking method Goal Power recommends, you should see a profit. Selections are based on mathematical formula developed by Svend Johannson that is based on historical records going back as far as 15 years as well as a number of other factors. One of the crown jewels of Goal Power is the staking system that uses compound interest and percentile staking rather than level stakes.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

At the moment Goal Power is free to sign up for although this looks to be a limited time trial. Svend Johannson says that eventually he will start charging for Goal Power but at the time of writing this there is no mention of what the costs may involve.

Because of the staking method Goal Power uses profits are very difficult to calculate on a point basis. What Goal Power can boast however is a profit of £454.21 in April (based off a starting bank of £1000).

Does the product provide value for money?

Given its current free trial status I believe that Goal Power is excellent value for money.


The results for Goal Power are decent enough and certainly comparable to many paid services. What stands out about Goal Power is that it has a very clear system and most importantly, Svend Johannson is open to sharing the fundamentals of this.

This means that ultimately I have faith in Goal Power and given the success that the product has had so far this sits pretty firmly on my “must try” list. Especially when you take into consideration the fact that there is very little risk at the moment.


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