iAmAnalyst is a web based binary options trading product. As it is web based it allows users to operate it through mobile devices and tablets as wells as PC’s.
What is the product?
iAmAnalyst is a piece of binary options trading software that utilised a web based design. This has allowed iAmAnalyst to put a marketing focus on tablet and smart phone users. The system is claimed to be easy to use and fully automated. It is based on an alleged 2 years of research and testing and was built by a taskforce of software developers and designers as well as analysts and brokers. It is claimed that the system doesn’t use any confusing charts and indicators but with no other information as to how it works I find this to be more unsettling than reassuring.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
iAmAnalyst is free to use and access but in order to gain this you have to make a deposit with iAmAnalyst’s chosen broker. The broker at the time of writing is Banc de Binary but there is evidence to suggest that this has changed before now.
There will be a minimum deposit with the broker regardless of whom it is which will usually be around the $250 mark. In terms of the profitability of iAmAnalyst, this isn’t something that is really explored which is odd for a product of this nature. There is a testimonial video though that claims that iAmAnalyst helped turn a $5,000 deposit into $93,111 in around a month.
Does the product provide value for money?
Despite being free I don’t believe that iAmAnalyst does represent value for money.
iAmAnalyst puts a new angle on an old trick whereby a product is marketed as a binary options trading software. This is usually accompanied by a video presentation but iAmAnalyst seem to have plumped for a different marketing style. Irrespective of this, the product is fundamentally the same.
The focus is on getting users to sign up with a specified broker with the product creator usually getting a commission for deposits. I am not a fan of any of these products as there has been no substantiated evidence that they work so I would avoid this at all costs personally.
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