Jeff Adams Away Day Gold Review

Created by Jeff Adams, Adams Away Day Gold is a football tipster service that specialises in backing teams away from home.

What is the product?

Although information is unfortunately scarce for Adams Away Day Gold, I have been able to discern some information. As the name implies, Adams Away Day Gold is backing teams that are playing away. Whilst the details of which leagues Jeff Adams bets in are none existent, an educated guess is that the main European leagues will be covered, namely due to the fact that this is where the best value can be obtained if you know what you are doing. Taking this one step further one would imagine that this will be a straight win service as opposed to some of the more exotic betting types. What is stated on the Adams Away Day Gold website is that Jeff Adams has spent 5 years making a living as a professional bettor using the same method that he employs to find winners for Adams Away Day Gold.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

At the time of writing, Adams Away Day Gold is actually free to access. This is however restricted with only the first 500 users getting the selections. Whilst there is no mention of any future price it seems reasonable to anticipate that Jeff Adams will charge for Adams Away Day Gold down the line. In terms of potential income, the fact that this is a new service with no previous proofing and no past results, it is a difficult thing to gauge. Realistically though a strike rate of around the 30% mark would likely produce a profit.

Does the product provide value for money?

Given the fact that it is free, Adams Away Day Gold definitely represents value for money.


The lack of information on Adams Away Day Gold would usually be a deal breaker for me but the fact that Jeff Adams has made this available for free changes that. The fact is there is nothing to lose in betting on Adams Away Day Gold on paper and see what position you end up in. If you are feeling bolder however, you may wish to jump straight in.



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