Joe Best’s Racing Express Review

Offered by Winning Information Network, Joe Best’s Racing Express is a horse racing tipster service that according to the creator, is able to produce a consistently high profit for subscribers.

What is the product?

Joe Best’s Racing Express is a horse racing tipster service that is heavily based on creator Joe Best’s experience as a professional punter. In fact, he goes as far as to say that his service provides the ultimate in horse racing selections. This is a bold claim however the sales material from Winning Information Network seemingly backs this up with Joe Best claiming to have over 14 years of experience as a professional gambler where he claims to spend up to 12 hours per day pouring over numbers. Not all that surprisingly given how often the term gets thrown around, but Joe Best’s Racing Express is also steeped in betting on the best possible value.

This is however reflected in the results which I shall look at below. As a service, Joe Best’s Racing Express  doesn’t really do anything that you wouldn’t expect it to. Possibly the only surprise is just how selective Joe Best is with just one or two bets identified per day which are advised as either win or each way.

Staking is the usual plan that Betfan product seem to carry which  means up to 5 points per bet however the small numbers of bets per day means that this isn’t the deal breaker it is on some of their services. Finally there is the strike rate to look at which since June 3rd has produced a rather outstanding 46.34%.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

There are two subscription options available if you want to sign up for Joe Best’s Racing Express with Winning Information Network providing a 28 day subscription at a cost of £45 or a 90 day subscription at a cost of £90. This comes with the usual lack of any money back guarantee with Winning Information Network saying that they will review any refund requests however they don’t usually offer these.

In terms of the income potential, Joe Best’s Racing Express has produced a points profit of 284.42 points which represents a very good ROI of 63.2%.

Does the product provide value for money?

If Joe Best’s Racing Express can continue at even a fifth of its current performance it will represent an excellent investment.


For me there is only really one question that hangs over Joe Best’s Racing Express and that is whether or not it can continue its form. Truth be told, Betfan products have something of a habit of starting exceptionally during the proofing period and struggling once they go live. That having been said Joe Best’s Racing Express is without a doubt one of the strongest products I have seen for some time.

Personally, I’d keep this on my watch list rather than investing straight away however I can also see why somebody would want to get on board as early as possible.




  1. glen masterton says:

    Any chance of a free trial of your racetips joe it would be much appreciated
    regards glen masterton

  2. Matthew owen says:

    Because Betfan have fake proofing just to get you in. That’s why start good and are crap when launched because they can’t fake results after that.

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