Created by Patric Chan, Mini Course Formula is a training course that shows you how to build your email list by offering a mini training course to subscribers.
What is the product?
Mini Course Formula is a 159 page training guide by Patric Chan that utilises a “blueprint” format to show you how to get people subscribing to your email list. This involves offering a free mini course to people over a few days. Much of the information draws on Patric Chan’s experience in internet marketing which is pretty substantial if you believe his claims. Mini Course Formula is a 4 module course that teaches you about product creation as well as how to get the most opt ins possible. Patric Chan also provides purchasers of Mini Course Formula with a huge number of bonus material ranging from pre made opt in templates and mini courses through to additional training on a variety of subjects.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Mini Course Formula is sold for $47 which is a one time fee. There is also a money back guarantee in place courtesy of Clickbank which runs for the usual 60 days. In terms of the return on Mini Course Formula, there is very little information made available. The only thing that is explored in any depth is Patric Chan’s claim that for every subscriber to your list, you can expect to make a dollar in sales.
Does the product provide value for money?
Personally I am not convinced that Mini Course Formula does provide value for money for a number of reasons I shall explore below.
The biggest issue with Mini Course Formula in my opinion is not the product itself. In actual fact, the idea for this is solid and is a great way of maintaining interest in what you have to say. The problem lies in the cost. At 160 pages, I just don’t think that this kind of bulk is required and a lot of this seems to be there to justify the costs. This is also kind of evident in the bonuses that are numerous and only really relevant in a few cases. Really it all feels very cobbled together and this is a shame as I feel that with a lower price point and some more relevant content Mini Course Formula could have been a decent little product.
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