Created by independent tipster Alistair Bentley, Points to Profit is a horse racing tipster service that provides a selective service for all weather races.
What is the product?
Points to Profit specialises in providing tips for all weather horse racing in the UK. This isn’t anything new in its own rights however the creator, Alistair Bentley says that he is able to offer a difference in so much as his selections are only the very best. Whilst the selection process isn’t discussed outside of the usual tale of a long standing interest in horse racing, based off other all weather tipster services I have looked at before my guess would that this is some kind of form based service (although this is only speculation on my behalf). Irrespective of how Points to Profits tips are generated there appears to be some real merit to it as the average strike rate for the service over the last year is an exceptional 45% with even the worst month maintaining a 35% strike rate. Staking for Points to Profit is advise with the bets (which are all back to win) and will be between 1 and 3 points. Points to Profit selections are not a daily occurrence and can be very sporadic with later months having around 1 selection per week on average and in the case of November, no bets at all (although Alistair Bentley believes this could change with the opening of Chelford City later this year).
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Alistair Bentley is currently offering Points to Profit at a discounted rate of £20 for a full year of tips. This is a limited time offer however with the cost due to go up to £200 per year after January. Interestingly there is a 60 day money back guarantee included as Points to Profit is sold through Clickbank which is a rarity for a tipster service. In terms of income, Alistair Bentley says that Points to Profit has made 198.68 points of profit in 12 months .This translates into a pounds and pence value of £3973.59 based off £20 stakes.
Does the product provide value for money?
If you can get Points to Profit for £20 then there is very little doubt that it represents value for money, especially with a 60 day money back guarantee.
Points to Profit looks to be a pretty solid option as far as tipster services go with a reasonable profit produced. What is most enamouring about the service however is without a doubt the consistency. The fact that Alistair Bentley has got Points to Profit selections right enough to get a 45% strike rate which is a hell of a feat. The only downside is the fact that selections happen less and less as the year progresses. For example if you looked at last year, Points to Profit had just 24 selections in 6 months. I feel that this would make Points to Profit best suited to being a part of a larger portfolio or for somebody who is just looking for a cheap tipster service to top up their income a little.
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