Profit Sensation Review

Created by Bill Driesdale, Profit Sensation is a binary options trading bot. To get a copy of the product you have to open a new account with Amber Options.

What is the product?

Profit Sensations is a trading bot that deals with binary options. Creator Bill Driesdale claims that Profit Sensation is guaranteed to trade profitably although frankly the evidence of this is not exactly concrete. According to Bill Driesdale Profit Sensation is built on the back of some software he received from his brother who was trading full time from home. After an encounter with a programmer friend of his sons, Profit Sensation was born. Outside of this information is scarce other than the fact that to get a copy of Profit Sensation you have to make a deposit with binary options broker Amber Options.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

Technically Profit Sensation is free but there is a minimum deposit to be made through Amber Options. This is around $200 so that cost must be factored in. In terms of the profitability Bill Driesdale seems more interested in peddling how much he has made rather than how much users can expect. For posterity though, he claims to have made over $4 million using Profit Sensation.

Does the product provide value for money?

Despite being free I don’t believe that Profit Sensation does provide value for money.


Profit Sensation seems to exist first and foremost as a way of getting users to sign up with a specific broker website. This usually allows the marketer to gain a commission for getting you to sign up. There are an ever increasing number of these kinds of products and just like Profit Sensation, they come up with lots of enticing aspects that speak to people and draw them in.

In the cold light of day there is very little evidence that any of these products is capable of generating a profit. It is because of this that I cannot recommend any of them, even with a “free” price tag and Profit Sensation is no different.



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