Created by Ron Black, Ron’s Football Winners is a football betting system that involves betting under very specific circumstances.
What is the product?
Ron’s Football Winners comes in PDF format and teaches the methods that the creator, Ron Black, claims have helped him to achieve a strike rate of 91% for last season. Ron’s Football Winners allegedly requires just 3-4 minutes per game during which you will be betting on the HT/FT markets. There are three bets placed on each game with four points distributed amongst them. Although this is only speculation on my behalf this suggests some sort of arbitrage system. The system has been designed for any games in any leagues however the results that Ron Black shares are only for the English Premier League.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Ron’s Football Winners sells for £19.95. This price is covered by a 60 day money back guarantee which is provided as Ron’s Football Winners is sold through ClickBank. In terms of profits, Ron Black claims that by starting with a £100 betting bank he was able to end the season on £4,120.32. Given the fact that this was only for the Premier League, this means that Ron’s Football Winners should be scalable.
Does the product provide value for money?
I am rather split on this. Ultimately if Ron’s Football Winners is able to work as advertised then it is undoubtedly value for money but I have to be sold on this first.
I should start by being open about the fact that I am always cautious about any betting system that puts the onus back onto the user as I feel it offers marketers a “cop out”. Given the 60 day money back guarantee these fears are somewhat allayed however. With that in mind I am rather confident about Ron’s Football Winners, there certainly seems to be strong potential here. I do however have questions as to whether or not the 91% strike rate is based off one of the three bets winning.
This could potentially mean a very low yield but with a high win rate that isn’t the be all and end all, it is just something to keep in mind.
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