Created by Andrew Mount, SMS Tipster is a combined sports betting and horse racing tipster services that offers tips to users directly via SMS.
What is the product?
SMS Tipster is a multi faceted tipster service from Andrew Mount that claims to offer its users daily horse racing and football based selections. These are sent out directly to email and (as the name of the service suggests) via SMS. SMS Tipster is an independent tipster service and there is very little information provided about anything frankly. The roots of SMS Tipster allegedly go back to when Andrew Mount would send out tips to his various mates who would report back on their winnings.
Eventually he claims that SMS Tipster was proofed with a strike rate of 66.79% although this is only evidenced in a single screenshot of a table for a tipster proofing website (not one that I am familiar with, nor can I find online). What is worth noting is that whilst SMS Tipster is sold as being a daily service, according to the proofing “evidence” provided, there were just 17 bets in a 28 day period. There is nothing to say what the criterion for selecting any of these bets is with the closest to information being an enigmatic statement from Andrew Mount in which he says that he has worked hard to obtain his tips.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
There are essentially two tiers of offerings with SMS Tipster. The first of these is the option to buy either horse racing or football tips individually. These cost £18.99 for 3 months of tips via SMS and are claimed by Andrew Mount to be a reduction on the usual price of £29.99. The second option is to buy both football and horse racing for £24.99 and again, this is allegedly down from £47.99. Because it is sold through Clickbank, SMS Tipster does benefit from their usual 60 day money back guarantee. Based off what information is provided for SMS Tipster, the service made £4,075 within a 28 day period however there is no proofing for this, nor is there any staking plan.
Does the product provide value for money?
Personally I don’t believe that SMS Tipster does provide value for money for reasons that I shall explore below.
SMS Tipster ticks all the boxes in terms of my list of bugbears for a tipster service. The focus is on what Andrew Mount has, not what the service can do, there is no proofing supplied and finally, whilst there is a money back guarantee it is frankly confusing as to what (if any) the ongoing cots will be. The fact that SMS Tipster has allegedly been proofed with no results supplied is worse than if it weren’t done at all and I am very sceptical about everything to do with it. The fact is that despite the claims that Andrew Mount makes, there isn’t any real shred of evidence that SMS Tipster does what it is supposed to. With that in mind I wouldn’t waste any real time on this.
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