Created by Justin James, 12 Minute Pay Day is a product that he claims is able to produce a guaranteed income through affiliate marketing.
What is the product?
At its core, 12 Minute Pay Day is an affiliate marketing product suppose, however it does this in a way that I haven’t really seen before now, frankly, nor do I wish to. Your affiliate marketing journey with 12 Minute Pay Day starts out with you “plugging in” a website to Justin James’ larger product which appears to be 12 Minute Pay Day as well. Interestingly he claims that he has used this same method as a money making method online. 12 Minute Pay Day is also said to be entirely free to do with no website building (you get a “website” from Justin James) or hosting (your “website” is hosted on 12 Minute Pay Day) and allegedly very little knowledge of marketing required. From what I can gather the reality of 12 Minute Pay Day seems to be rather removed from the pitch. The actual idea behind it seems to be that you get people to go to your 12 Minute Pay Day “website” of which there are 5 templates available and they are encouraged to put their email in which you then capture. You can then use this as a springboard for building your own list and ultimately marketing to them on an affiliate basis. Luckily there is some training provided by Justin James on what affiliate marketing is and how to utilise this technique. Read more